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Hi, I'm kachichu, my name is a mixture of my fav Neopet and my fav Pokemon, Kacheek and Pichu, and it make kachichu, or picheek XD ;172; My favorite Pokemon, I'm crazy about Pichu, I have msn, and I'm mostly hyper all of the time, and happy at the same time. ^^ I'm glad to meet you all! =DDDDDDD!!!!!


Good Night!
welcome! read the rules and follow them. hope you like it here. if you want to be friends or something pm.


Hi and welcome to serebii.net. You could always PM me if you want a friend, and remember: Random Smilies are evil! Every one of them has murdered an innocent child!


idk I have no idea It's so active in these forums, I mean like, 8,000 people registered!

Perfect Darkness

Kacheeks a Neopet...o_O. I liked your caped Pichu, very cute. If you need a friend or have a question, don't hesitate to PM me or something. We don't bite too often, only if deserved :D. Don't worry, I bet you'll fit right in
