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Hikari´s Rival Team


Feraligatr Master
Hikari´s Rival Team

Ok, so what do you think Hikari´s girlfriend team is going to be?

Given her manly spunky character I can Totaly see her with a

Kooroboshi ;401;

As her main Pokemon...

Maybe a Garmeil [If Hikari gets Minomadamu lol] ;414;


Aura Trainer
Ok, so what do you think Hikari´s girlfriend team is going to be?

Given her manly spunky character I can Totaly see her with a

Kooroboshi ;401;

As her main Pokemon...

Maybe a Garmeil [If Hikari gets Minomadamu lol] ;414;

Rapidash (appeal), Booburn (dancing), Goukazaru (battle)


Feraligatr Master
lol.... She could use a Bunyatto to pimp her team....
Jynx and Jessica Rabbit are great too lol...
isn t that Pokephilia?
Jynx with Lez (a name that I will call Hikari's rival as). That makes sence. I also see a male Gardivoir....well those are my thoughts.


Aura Trainer
Why would another character in the show have Hikozaru?

And why would that ugly son of a pokemon Buuburn dance?

You seem to forget that Hiko's the Fire starter, so a good third
of Shinou's trainers (give or take) presumably have one. And we've already seen Poochama's Stage-1, so why not the Fire Stage-2 (partly to see Poochama's expression when it realises what it's up against and partly 'cos Goukazaru rocks)

As for Booburn... Eh, I'm open to suggestions, though I can see Yuri with a pure Fire team.

P.S. At the very least, a Rapidash appeal ought to be worth seeing.

FireHead Hank

Matt Fanboy
How about Rozureido? It would fit to the whole "Hikari is just a May rip-off"-imige...

Me, I see her with a Pachirisu or Cherrim.
You seem to forget that Hiko's the Fire starter, so a good third
of Shinou's trainers (give or take) presumably have one. And we've already seen Poochama's Stage-1, so why not the Fire Stage-2 (partly to see Poochama's expression when it realises what it's up against and partly 'cos Goukazaru rocks)

As for Booburn... Eh, I'm open to suggestions, though I can see Yuri with a pure Fire team.

P.S. At the very least, a Rapidash appeal ought to be worth seeing.

Since when have we seen ANYTHING suggesting that Yuri has a pure fire team?

And we don't need more starter spotlight, and as Haruka's rivals didn't have them, neither will Hikari's.

cecil 090

chaos of the night
i say theyll be this





*** breath
needs more ekans for PLEASURE