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hikari =]


The power of the sun
It's Cute but to me it looks kinda creepy lol, she has that Zombie stare in her eyes, u know the one where it looks like she never blinked in their life. I love the clothes, body and hair but the head looks very out of proporsion( i think i spelled it wrong) to me. The eyes look way too big and low to me and the hat thing that she wears is also way too big.

I have to say though that the coloring is really amazing.


Beginning Trainer
lighe venusaur: thankies ^^

*ra*: thankes for the comment ^^ i really appreciate that ^o^
that's how i always draw my chibi though, everything is big comparing to her body ^^'
oh, thanks for praising my coloring XD


Well-Known Member
I'm disagreeing with the others, I really love her big "bug" eyes in this picture. She also has an adorable smile and I think her hair is perfect. :)


New Member
Hi i want a tc
tc is only one
name is Jaym
party pkmn: shiny zapdos, mewtwo, mew, jirachi, shiny blastoise, charizard
pkmn next to trainer: venusaur
badges from: Fire red and Leaf green
background is forests
traner from: fire red and leaf green. male

thank u


Bullet Punch
On the subject. It is a nice piece of art. The eyes stand out making it look very cute. The hat is nice and big, which in my opinion has something to do with charicaturism(something along those lines). The bubble backgorund is also well chosen; it goes along nicely with all the circle shapes in the actual picture.

Well done!



Well-Known Member
i might loathe her, but this is a great pic of hikari!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Wow, that's nice. The colors are fine, and the style is pretty good. Good work.

Metal Force

Wow, very good srawing and coloring, and very cute pic ;D.


Well-Known Member
wow, i like it alot. It look svery professional, obviously not the traditional style but it's still good. What program did you use? And how did you do that colorfull dot things around the pic?