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Hikari's ending theme, rate it!

Review theme and animation together:

  • Total voters


Yeah, ok!
We had one of these around the time May's ending theme debuted, much to positive feedback, but I don't believe we've had a poll for Hikari's ending theme yet, so vote!

Review the animation and the theme together.
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Well-Known Member
even though i lothe hikari, i llove that ending and listen to is again and again!

Pretty much typical Pokemon music. As in, extremely average.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Lemme put it this way...
Haruka >>>>> Hikari, but...
Hikari's Theme >>>>> Haruka's Theme

Haruka's Theme was obnoxious and poorly-sung, only really good for the visuals. Hikari's Theme is a lot more tolerable, and quite catchy to boot. And to be quite honest, it kicks the crap out of the DP opening theme.


Borderline Troll
I had to stop it at 15 sec.! God, that was anoying! I needed to go back to "White and Nerdy" almost imediatly! *Puts thumb down like ceaser*


....Dammit, I picked the wrong opinion. I originally wanted to pick "I like it a lot, definitely worth listening to again and again". Makes me look more like a fanboy than I'm already beginning to become. >_>

Anyways, yeah. It has very good animation sequences and the song is fairly catchy. I actually like it a tad bit more than Haruka's theme. I can't wait until the full version comes out. ^^


Well-Known Member
It's AWESOME! It's one of the two Japanese Pokemon songs I like [FYI I love a lot of Japanese music]. It is the best ending... no it's the only good ending. It comes close to Spurt.


Hikari's theme is great. Like S.Suikun said, it's miles better than May's Theme(which was decent in and of itself, but its main excellence came from the visuals). I'm not quite as addicted to it as am I to DP's opening, though.


Still Dirrty
i really liked haruka's theme but hikari's theme is also really good so i really dont know

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I like May's theme better than Hikari's (though for some reason it took May's more getting used to). The visuals for the May one were okay. They were nice, but nothing really special to me. I'm like the only person I know who doesn't really care about the ramen scene. I voted that Hikari's theme was good, but nothing to get too excited for. It wasn't even until the second part that I really liked it. Still, I think Hikari's song is worth having for several episodes.

Drew Andrews

Contest Legend
Yep, although May's 'I won't lose' was more energetic, it was used wrongly. It should be the starter. 'By your side' by hikari was slower, but it was used correctly. Also, 'By your side' had that quality that makes it worth listening to whether voiced or instrumental. 'I won't lose' loses it's meaning in a voiced version. Another voice may help-KAORI sounds old.

Hikari and MAy both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Crystal Clair

Well-Known Member
I instantly fell in love with Hikari's ending. The music was overall better and the last part when it's all fast-paced just owned, k? Seriously, that song is grossly addicting, well sung and has beautiful graphics.
However, it's a little too still in the beginning.
I still like Glory Day, Hyakugojuuichi and Ondo over it though.


I don't like Hikari soo much but her theme is Ok I guess. Nothing to go crazy about.