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Hmm... So what might be that shiny pokemon ratio?

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Azelf Protector
I'm pretty sure all odds are against me :'-( but oh well. I WILL TRY!!! I am determined. Also, must I trigger a shiny appearance? I'm pretty sure it just happens at random. Problem is, I've had this game for about 2 years and haven't seen one shiny. I've got very bad luck.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
When you come across a wild pokémon it has a 1/8192 chance of being shiney. Always. (I know pretty low odds)

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
A shiny could pop up anytime randomly. I used to be shinyless for two years until I caught a shiny Golbat, then a few months later, I caught a shiny Geodude.


Azelf Protector
Great... After I've seen 8,192 pokemon in the wild I will have been guaranteed a shiny. Only.... 5,687 TO GO!! lol. Just an estimate. I just thought of something... If you breed shiny pokemon are their babies shiny?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Go here. It sould explain everything.


Azelf Protector
Thanks. Wow, so now that I look at it's pretty much a 1 in a million kind of thing except smaller. This is very disappointing, but I WILL find a shiny. I WILL!!! Lol, thanks for everything Emerald Metagross!


Azelf Protector
Oh yeah, and one more thing. Do the shiny pokemon still "shine" when you bump into them like on Gold and Silver? If not, I might have accidentally passed one because the sparkles always got my attention in G/S.


Great... After I've seen 8,192 pokemon in the wild I will have been guaranteed a shiny. Only.... 5,687 TO GO!! lol. Just an estimate. I just thought of something... If you breed shiny pokemon are their babies shiny?

actually, its 1/8192 every time, not in total


The new tuxedo look!
Well, you'll probably get one if you see 8,192 wild pokemon, but my shiny sceptile took over 10,000 resets in ruby and about 70 treeko eggs.


The Master...
good luck i still havent found one yet (on my own[the one two in my sig were given to me]but i try still!!!!!!)


Obsessive Beader/Mod
The 3rd gen shiny FAQ/sticky will answer all of your questions, and is also the place to discuss anything related to shiny Pokemon.


Thanks! Also, please re-read the rules, double posting is not allowed on the forums. You use the EDIT button to add something to a previous post.

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