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Hmm... What game should I get?

I'm going to GameStop tomorrow, but I don't know what I should do there. Here are the options:

Buy Star Fox Assault (GCN)
Get GameBucks in Money and order PKMN Diamond
Resubscribe to Nintendo Power (It ended in the October issue)
Resubscribe to GameInformer (Got last issue today)
Preorder PKMN Ranger


Super Gamer
Pokémon Ranger isn't horrible. It certainly seems better than Mystery Dungeon - and that's why im getting it. I would definately get Ranger and renew your subscription to Nintendo Power.



Thank you, SPPf! :)
- Never liked Star Fox, but not even hardcore Star Fox fans are keen on Assault.
- Pokemon DP is not gonna come out for quite some time.
- Possibly. NP has started to get better over the past year.
- Ew God no. In the axis of evil that consists of GamePro, EGM, and Game Informer, GI is the greatest Satanic spawn.
- Possibly. It's coming out pretty soon, and certainly a lot sooner than Diamond.

I'd go with the Ranger pre-order.


jenni is 14 :(
star fox command was abyssmal.

the only reason people "like" it is because they compare it to the last few games that had fox on the ground
just because it's all flying this time around, doesn't mean it's great---it loses its flavor after a few hours


Super Gamer
Star Fox Command is only good on WiFi. The main game sucks mainly because it's ridiculously timed and you have to get a bunch of stars...>_>


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Resubsribe to Nintendo power is what i think you should do, you're missing out on good issues, the november one tells you practicly all the info you need on the Wii. Star fox assault is a fun game in the begging, but it's short and only fun in multiplayer once you beat it, i'd recomend borrowing it untill it's really cheap, and for Pokemon diamond isn't coming out in america for a while. Game informer, in my openion, is not a really good magazine it just doesn't cut it for me, when you're reading NP it feels like you atually know the staff. Pokemon ranger on the other hand you'll have to decide about, never really read about it or anything.



Natsu no Maboroshi
Reorder PKMN Ranger, it's worth it.


ev trainer
here's my 2 cents:

borrow, don't buy, starfox unless you really want a new GCN game
preorder the wii (if you can) w/ the gamebucks. Diamond is too far away
resubscribe to NP
do not get GI (I hated it. read everyone else's comments on them)
IF you are over-protective of your ds lite don't get Ranger. If you have a regular ds or don't care about scratching your t-screen, by all means get it. It looks like a good game.

Basically, if you like spin-offs or are willing to take a chance, go with Ranger. If not, get NP.

*2 pennies splash into the bottom of the well*
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