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In Pokemon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! they are on the way to Pewter right? Well, when the geomanetic waves go away, we see the Pokemon are relieved and we see a Pidgeot! And since they are on the way to Pewter, they may be in Viridian Forest. Know what I'm thinking?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
A) The episode aired like 7 months ago in Japan. You think we'd have all been talking about it by now if what you're thinking DID happen, eh?
B) Falkner had a Pidgeot. That guy in the first movie had a Pidgeot. One of the Jennys had a Pidgeot. Saori had a Pidgeot. None of these important Pidgeots meant anything. WHY THE HELL WOULD A ONE-SECOND CAMEO PIDGEOT MEAN SOMETHING!?!


Powerplay Champion
on top of the pidgeot not meaning anything... the writers are having a hard enough time writing the story without worrying about making it good.
and by that, i mean making references to the past,
cause as much as i hate to believe it,
it's a show put out there to sell a product.
that's why it was created in the first place.


Plain Trainer
I know. I watched it and when Solana mentioned what happened in Larousse City you would have thought that Ash, May, Brock, or Max would have gone- "We know, we were there." But no, they just stood there like a bunch of idiots and said "Woah". The continuity stinks in this show/


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
as much as a lot of ppl on here would like it to happen, its highly unlikely ash is gonna go bk 4 pidgeot or that they'll b much if ne reference to it tbh