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Ho-oh OR Lugia?

H-oh or Lugia?

  • Ho-oh ;250;

    Votes: 30 42.3%
  • Lugia ;249;

    Votes: 41 57.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Who do you like more, Ho-oh or Lugia?

I loooove and obsessed with Ho-oh its so phoeni looking, its the best!

Well, anyway start voting! and discuss ;)


Well, I pick Ho-oh because I got Pokemon Gold instead of Silver. :D Plus, it was the first Johto Pokemon to be shown ever! (Even before most Kanto Pokemon were shown).



lol at you
i did like lugia for it's awesome def and sp.def but ho oh is just cool

Dragon Champion

Smogon sucks.
I prefer Lugia as I like Dragon-looking Pokémon.


Well-Known Member
LUUUUUUGGGGGGIA!!!!!!!!!! :D its so cute!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Ho-Oh for me. It's cooler IMO

AJ Flibble

Lugia. Overrated or not, it's been a favourite of mine for a long time, and Aeroblast is cooler and more unique than Sacred Fire IMO.

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Well Ho-Oh wasn't as advertised as Lugia because Lugia was a main pokemon in Pokemon 2000 both pokemon are sorta underated as legendaries so I pick the ever present both option.


Venusaur The Best
Lugia because there already was a fire flying legendary


Well-Known Member

--- I picked Pokemon Silver as my main 2nd gen game and therefore caught and raised Lugia first.
--- Is a beast with its insane defences. What a shame it cannot learn Cosmic Power...
--- Prefer it looks wise to Ho-Oh any day and plus I loved Aeroblast.


Well-Known Member
Lugia may be dragon-like but Ho oh is so much cooler. Makes a perfect couple with Rayquasa, like yin and yang


Ho-oh. Lugia's the most overrated thing since the invention of sliced bread, and even without that it's one of the most effortlessly designed legendaries I've seen. If nothing else, they put a good amount of effort into the head but very little into the rest of its body. It looks hilariously out of place among the other legendary birds(Pokespecial was the most striking example of this, but if I shared pictures then I'd go onto the mod team's hitlist), especially due to those hideous wings. Change those to something remotely decent(bat wings, dragon wings, bird wings, ANYTHING) and Lugia tends to look drastically better.

Ho-oh, on the other hand, is just plain beautiful. A phoenix is less creative than a...dragon seagull thing..., but it certainly came out looking better in the end.

Battle-wise, Lugia is tops however much you like or hate it.


Well-Known Member
Ho-oh. Lugia's the most overrated thing since the invention of sliced bread, and even without that it's one of the most effortlessly designed legendaries I've seen. If nothing else, they put a good amount of effort into the head but very little into the rest of its body. It looks hilariously out of place among the other legendary birds(Pokespecial was the most striking example of this, but if I shared pictures then I'd go onto the mod team's hitlist), especially due to those hideous wings. Change those to something remotely decent(bat wings, dragon wings, bird wings, ANYTHING) and Lugia tends to look drastically better.

Ho-oh, on the other hand, is just plain beautiful. A phoenix is less creative than a...dragon seagull thing..., but it certainly came out looking better in the end.

Battle-wise, Lugia is tops however much you like or hate it.

heyhey! lugia is not overated! if it was overrated, it wouldn't be one of my fav pokemon as some of you know, i despise overrated things!
Ho-oh is one of my favorite Pokemon. :3 I used one back in Pokemon Gold a loooonnng time ago... but it's still my favorite.

Ho-oh and Lugia have the same base Sp.Defense btw. (that's 154)