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Well-Known Member
I just defeated Ho-oh, and it didnt join my team.
On the site, it says it has 99.9% chance to join my team, and i'm level 66, so that means I had 112.4% chance (that is, if it goes over 99.9%)
I'm sure I did everything right, I had a Charizard, and me (Blastiose).
Thats 2 stars out of the 6, and the other 4 would have been Ho-Oh.
I defeated it with my own waterfall, that did some 300+ damage...
I cant figure out why it wouldnt have joined me, unless im EXTREMELY unlucky, or maybe it doesnt join on the first attempt.
If anyone knows what could have happened, please post.


Well-Known Member
I beat him myself as I said before...
It doens't say anywhere on Serebii (maybe I didnt see it) that you cant get him on the first time.


< That's me! Hello!
I couldn't defeat it with out bringing Articuno the first time but I have heard that it does not join you the first time. Try again, also did you buy Rainbow Peak from Wigglytuff? If not, that will hinder you from recruiting Ho-oh.


Well-Known Member
Of course, I have all the Friend Areas.

I guess my conclusion is that he won't join on the first attempt...
Can anyone confirm this?


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks guys.
Time to go back down 40 Floors.


ello there!
i know for a fact that ho-oh cant join u on ur first try, and also, mewtwo, lugia, groudon, legendary birds/ beasts.


<--will be mine
First try:
Ho-oh, Mewtwo, Groudon, Rayquaza, the Beasts, and the Birds will not.

Jirachi, Celebi, Lugia will. Kyogre might (50%)


Gust of Wind
you have to climb 99 floors twice to get mewtwo, lugia was hard for me X_X and deoxys was fun to recruit =)


I wanted ketchup!!!
You have to beat ho-oh 2 times in order for him to join