"ok this is an rpg u go arond fiting peeps n aim 2 be pokmon master of the honn regin!!!!!
ruls dont sware dont dubl post hav fun"
Hmm . . . something's gone terribly wrong. I just felt a mass-disturbance in the atmosphere . . . as though a great evil has just been unleashed from its restraints, to wreak terrible havoc upon the world as we know it. This could throw off the balance of the uni-
nam: Kenta Macauttum, last I checked.
age: Sixteen . . . wait a second, what the hell is this? Why the hell am I filling out some weird application sheet all of a sudden?!
pokmon: What's a pokmon? Oh, they must mean Poke'Mon. Wait, why do I have to reveal this? It's none of your business!
Doesn't have a- . . . -cause the god has awa- . . . osing connec-
. . . this doesn't make sense. I'm trying to have an adventure here. Is some buttwipe trying to twist reality on me? Hey! Whoever you are, quit it!
Quit it . . . quit it . . . . . . . quit it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
************************************************** ******************************
Dear Diary;
Hey, nice to finally be talking to you, if you could call this talking. My name’s Kenta Macauttum, and I’m a Poke’Mon trainer. I just bought you at Walmart for six bucks. Why Walmart? Well, Walmart’s taking over the world, just like George Dubya Bush and his cronies, so there’s really nowhere else to shop nowadays. But that’s not the point- I’ve decided to keep a trainer’s journal so that I could have something to talk to. I already have a companion, but that’s precisely WHY I need someone to talk to; because there’s no way in Hell I’m gonna be able to keep my sanity speaking to this girl. Her name’s Mary-Sue, and she just started following me the other day, for no apparent reason.
Kenta: Hey, look Combusken . . . there’s some girl following us for no apparent reason.
*End flashback*
Woah, I’m going too fast! Let's start with my favorite subject- me! I’m a beginner trainer who’s just started off in the Hoenn region, and so far I’ve already gotten my first badge. I’m writing here in Rustboro City, Poke’Mon Center to be precise, and I guess I should add that I’ve got a team of four Poke’Mon so far. Combusken’s my first one, I caught Ralts second, followed up by Slakoth and Nincada. As for me personally, I’m a martial arts master. I’m sixteen years old, and I’m already a kickass black belt and a sword wielder. Heh, not bad huh? I’m not like those other helpless little kid trainers, like that Brendan nut who likes the ‘white-haired old geezer’ look, and May what's-her-name, who seems to have two antennas poking out of her little bandana. They couldn’t defend themselves for crap. But speaking of which, and getting back to the story, that’s when I first met Mary-Sue . . . in Rustboro, a helpless-looking little eight-year-old girl.
Mary-Sue: hi im marysu
Kenta: Uh . . . hi.
Mary-Sue: hey can I join u
Kenta: What?
Mary-Sue: ur a pokmon traner can I com with u
Kenta: What’s with the bad grammar? And no, I’m going it alone.
Mary-Sue: oh cmon I wont get in the way I proms
Kenta: Um . . . you’re five-foot nothing, and you have no Poke’Mon.
Mary-Sue: ya I do I hav a richu a sucune a espeon and a artcuno
Kenta: Right, sure you do . . . look, your parents are probably worried about you, and they might think I’m a child-crazy pervert if they see me talking to you like this, so maybe it would be a good idea for you to go home now.
Mary-Sue: I was abandoned as a schild I got rased by celebi and now im a pokmn traner
Kenta: You’re not even old enough to be a trainer . . .
Mary-Sue: whatever im going wit u ill help u in any battles agenst the badguys
Kenta: What badguys?
*End Flashback*
I did eventually let Mary-Sue join me, but that was only because she had the Rustboro gym badge (she probably stole it) and a Raichu, like she said. But I asked that we call it a night first, since it was evening out at the time (it’s night now, even though the sky isn’t any darker than it would be in the day.) Anyway, now would be a good time to finish up the writing, since I'm tired, but I’ll input more tomorrow evening. Until then,
ruls dont sware dont dubl post hav fun"
Hmm . . . something's gone terribly wrong. I just felt a mass-disturbance in the atmosphere . . . as though a great evil has just been unleashed from its restraints, to wreak terrible havoc upon the world as we know it. This could throw off the balance of the uni-
nam: Kenta Macauttum, last I checked.
age: Sixteen . . . wait a second, what the hell is this? Why the hell am I filling out some weird application sheet all of a sudden?!
pokmon: What's a pokmon? Oh, they must mean Poke'Mon. Wait, why do I have to reveal this? It's none of your business!
Doesn't have a- . . . -cause the god has awa- . . . osing connec-
. . . this doesn't make sense. I'm trying to have an adventure here. Is some buttwipe trying to twist reality on me? Hey! Whoever you are, quit it!
Quit it . . . quit it . . . . . . . quit it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
************************************************** ******************************
Dear Diary;
Hey, nice to finally be talking to you, if you could call this talking. My name’s Kenta Macauttum, and I’m a Poke’Mon trainer. I just bought you at Walmart for six bucks. Why Walmart? Well, Walmart’s taking over the world, just like George Dubya Bush and his cronies, so there’s really nowhere else to shop nowadays. But that’s not the point- I’ve decided to keep a trainer’s journal so that I could have something to talk to. I already have a companion, but that’s precisely WHY I need someone to talk to; because there’s no way in Hell I’m gonna be able to keep my sanity speaking to this girl. Her name’s Mary-Sue, and she just started following me the other day, for no apparent reason.
Kenta: Hey, look Combusken . . . there’s some girl following us for no apparent reason.
*End flashback*
Woah, I’m going too fast! Let's start with my favorite subject- me! I’m a beginner trainer who’s just started off in the Hoenn region, and so far I’ve already gotten my first badge. I’m writing here in Rustboro City, Poke’Mon Center to be precise, and I guess I should add that I’ve got a team of four Poke’Mon so far. Combusken’s my first one, I caught Ralts second, followed up by Slakoth and Nincada. As for me personally, I’m a martial arts master. I’m sixteen years old, and I’m already a kickass black belt and a sword wielder. Heh, not bad huh? I’m not like those other helpless little kid trainers, like that Brendan nut who likes the ‘white-haired old geezer’ look, and May what's-her-name, who seems to have two antennas poking out of her little bandana. They couldn’t defend themselves for crap. But speaking of which, and getting back to the story, that’s when I first met Mary-Sue . . . in Rustboro, a helpless-looking little eight-year-old girl.
Mary-Sue: hi im marysu
Kenta: Uh . . . hi.
Mary-Sue: hey can I join u
Kenta: What?
Mary-Sue: ur a pokmon traner can I com with u
Kenta: What’s with the bad grammar? And no, I’m going it alone.
Mary-Sue: oh cmon I wont get in the way I proms
Kenta: Um . . . you’re five-foot nothing, and you have no Poke’Mon.
Mary-Sue: ya I do I hav a richu a sucune a espeon and a artcuno
Kenta: Right, sure you do . . . look, your parents are probably worried about you, and they might think I’m a child-crazy pervert if they see me talking to you like this, so maybe it would be a good idea for you to go home now.
Mary-Sue: I was abandoned as a schild I got rased by celebi and now im a pokmn traner
Kenta: You’re not even old enough to be a trainer . . .
Mary-Sue: whatever im going wit u ill help u in any battles agenst the badguys
Kenta: What badguys?
*End Flashback*
I did eventually let Mary-Sue join me, but that was only because she had the Rustboro gym badge (she probably stole it) and a Raichu, like she said. But I asked that we call it a night first, since it was evening out at the time (it’s night now, even though the sky isn’t any darker than it would be in the day.) Anyway, now would be a good time to finish up the writing, since I'm tired, but I’ll input more tomorrow evening. Until then,