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Holon being setting?


is happy
Does anyone think Holon from the tcg might be the setting?And Instead of Shadow Pokemon Delta Pokemon but you do'nt have to purify them?It would be fun I mean who does'nt want to see the interior of holon research tower?


Well-Known Member
Cool idea but pokemon with different elemnts they dont usually have? not gonna happen.

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
Ghost/Dark Shedinja FTW! And Fire/Dragon Charizard is also cool.


I've said it before, and i'll say it again. The TCG seems to be a source of a lot of new features in the games.

Shadow Pokemon came from the Rocket set (If I recall, Shadow Pokemon were called "Dark" in the Japanese Colosseum, and the "Dark" Pokemon concept in the TCG existed before the Dark Type made its debut, which was incidentally called "Evil Type" in Japan. Correct me if i'm wrong) and moves like Destiny Bond, which made its RPG appearance in Gold and Silver was in the TCG's BASE SET, so yes, it's entirely possible. :)

(And I for one would rather enjoy having to strategise against Delta Species Pokemon on Wi-fi. C'mon! It'd be rad.)


OG Trainer
Im sorry but I havent played pokemon for a long time. I mean like I stopped when the e card scanners came into play But what is holon.


Im sorry but I havent played pokemon for a long time. I mean like I stopped when the e card scanners came into play But what is holon.

Holon is a region from the Trading Card Game where Delta Pokemon live. (Pokemon with Types that they shouldn't have- Electric/Steel Jolteon, for example)


Just me
*shrugs* I don't know if the trading card game would affect it to that extent, unless of course Holon and the Delta species were kind of "in planning" long before and just happened to make their first official debut in the TCG (what I suspect was the case with attacks like Destiny Bond and Spark). Of course, I'm not into the TCG, so I could have glaring flaws in my argument.

It does sound cool, though.