I can't believe I haven't posted here yet. >_> Since Kojirou is my favorite character, this is naturally one of my favorite episodes. It's absolute character development gold- we learn so much about Kojirou's past just in this short episode. Say what you will Advanced Generation fans, they just don't make them like this any more.

Though the writers have been expanding upon it ever since, with subtle references in the script or an occasional flashback to his childhood- the longest being in AG episode 84.
In addition to the heaping pile of character development, this was a pretty funny episode too, what with Rumika chasing Kojirou around the dungeon with a whip and stuff like that. And as Jesse GS the II pointed out, the animation was excellent. I really like Kojirou's various facial expressions throughout the episode.
And at the end a bit of Rocketshippyness- what a great way to end it. I might as well point out I loved the ending music while I'm at it. The piece that plays as
Kojirou sets off and leaves Gardie behind to take care of his parents and then it cuts to Musashi and Nyasu walking down the road. That's great stuff and it fits perfectly as far as I'm conscerned.
I'll always love this episode, it truly is a classic.