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Home-Made Manga Anyone?! *REVIVED*

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Well... here's a thread I made along time ago and have been meaning to put revive! Feel free to post any Pokemon related manga or ideas for a Pokemon manga you have in the works! Like I said last time be cautious with whom you put its by (ex: by Jimmy Terrin vs. by T!MPANYSPRX). Feel free to comment on how others did well and/ or how they could improve their work(s)!


Pme 4 fc
Yeah I'm making a D/P manga just becuase I can not wait for it to come out
Ah, manga...I'm working on one now. It takes effing ages. Because everything has to be perfect for me. First, the frame measurements. Then the rough sketches (Before doing the script and image planning), then improved sketches, then inking, then all the shading etc I do in pencil because using tones would kill me. And then there's any sprucing up to do via photoshop, and adding the text and bubbles.

And that's one page.

Anyway, because they're so damn difficult, I'm concentrating on my fanfiction idea instead. Any mangas I'd do would be very short. I originally wanted one based on DP, but I couldn't be bothered.

Now I have a really cool idea; Poketto Monsutaa - Porigon no BATTLE ROULETTE!!

Akari K

did it for the lulz.
Oh yes, tons. But it's all on looseleaf/in marble notebooks, lol. Dx

Usually it centers around game character and original characters.

See teh sig.