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Homosexuality & Politics in the 21st Century


Time Lord Victorious

7 tyranitars

Well-Known Member
See I think that would make a great "What if" exercise, take for example Dick Chaney who would probably win any dark red state, has supported Gay Marriage since before the 2000 election, and came out in support of it in 2004, and has been vocal in his support of it since leaving the White House in 2008. Would his stance in Gay Marriage hurt his votes, or would his "No Nonsense" attitude, and his work against Terrorism overcome any problems with the voters. Again a great "What if" exercise.

I don't know, I have been told Cheney isn't that popular, then again he is high profile enough. Expect him to get quite some heat for it in the primaries though.


Someone has to win..
Cheney is one of those guys whose pros and cons make him a target of both republicans and democrats. Republicans want his support because he's a knowledgeable man who aided bush. Democrats want him to support the republicans so that they can tie his horrible flaws to the people they're running against.


Someone has to win..
I'm not. Think about it: first she was married to bill, then "fat-intern-gate" happened, then she tried her luck at being a politician, then she was "apparently" into dating women, and now she's openly supporting gay marriage. All this happening in just under a decade, mind you.


Someone has to win..
Support for gay marriage is at an all time high? Quick, to the bomb shelters (insert religion/non-democrat american political party).


Time Lord Victorious
Not a surprise that hilary is in favor of gay marriage. After all, she was married to bill...
I'm not. Think about it: first she was married to bill, then "fat-intern-gate" happened, then she tried her luck at being a politician, then she was "apparently" into dating women, and now she's openly supporting gay marriage. All this happening in just under a decade, mind you.

I thought you were meant that she supporter gay marriage because her husband also supports gay marriage, but then you implied that she's a lesbian for no reason.


In other news: Hillary is just in time, support for gay marriage is at an all time high.

Sadly those things may be a bit more connected than any of us like, the Clintons are known for going whichever way the polls go, even polling as to where they should vacation while in office. I wish she had done this back in 2008 or even in 2006 when the polls were not leaning toward gay marriage. It would seem alot less of a political move, and more heartfelt.


You ask too many questions
Staff member
Just as a reminder this isn't a thread to just post news stories, there's a thread for that in the general misc section. Any posted from here on out will be removed.


Well-Known Member
TYT covered this story. "Republicans are missing an empathy gene."

I don't really care that it took his son being gay for him to change his stance. I'm just happy he was a decent enough person that loves his son enough to support him through this. The same couldn't be said for a lot of people who are against gays, so I give him props for this.
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Time Lord Victorious
I don't really care that it took his son being gay for him to change his stance. I'm just happy he was a decent enough person that loves his son enough to support him through this. The same couldn't be said for a lot of people who are against gays, so I give him props for this.

He's only pro-gay because his son happens to be gay. Does the end really justify the means? If so, we should find a way to convince all children of republicans to tell their parents that they are homosexual regardless of whether they really are or not.


much more beastly
What? I thought she was already in favor. Weird.

In 2008 she backed civil unions, but she hadn't come out in favor of it since like Biden and Obama had. I'm guessing it's because she was Secretary of State, so her views on social policies would be pretty irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
He's only pro-gay because his son happens to be gay. Does the end really justify the means? If so, we should find a way to convince all children of republicans to tell their parents that they are homosexual regardless of whether they really are or not.

I don't really care if he is pro gay or not, I was just commenting that I'm happy his son being gay didn't make him flip **** like it would for most people in the GoP. I'm happy that the situation turned out positive rather than negative.

We don't even need pro gay GoP members, there is no real debate anymore, they've lost and we'll continue to move forward. The most they can do now is stall the inevitable.


Time Lord Victorious
A man being attracted to a lesbian is like if a man being attracted to a child in the respect that both relationships would be unrequited and can never work.

Just my sentiments on a related subject.


much more beastly
He's only pro-gay because his son happens to be gay. Does the end really justify the means? If so, we should find a way to convince all children of republicans to tell their parents that they are homosexual regardless of whether they really are or not.

Is Portman coming out in favor of gay marriage now any different than Obama coming out in favor during the election?