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Horror Movies' Cub

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Marty MC

yay new members:)anyway tnx ilw for banner compliment:p so to be on-topic
what horror movie end made u OMG
well let me think ummm.... i think that good old psycho when i found out who the killers mother was lmao:D

Marty MC

Furret Lover said:
I've never seen Psycho, but I've seen Birds and Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock.
yeah hitchcock classics never die to they?

Marty MC

Furret Lover said:
Yeah, they don't. They're Real Classics.
yeah thats like soooo true
anyway i have new topic in mind​
what was the last horror moive that gave ya nightmares​
i think that Amityville Horror gave me some kinda nightmares qus my mother heared me screaming during the night after i saw it:p


Rawr >3
amityville horror. i've seen all the originals but is one one was waaaaay different. i don't think remakes ever live up to the original. like the ring movies. after the first amityville, they made 2,3, and 4. then they they started making stuff like, amity dollhouse which was amazingly stupid. :p

Marty MC

DarkPikachu3 said:
amityville horror. i've seen all the originals but is one one was waaaaay different. i don't think remakes ever live up to the original. like the ring movies. after the first amityville, they made 2,3, and 4. then they they started making stuff like, amity dollhouse which was amazingly stupid. :p
yeah lol:D like i said before, there is no point to make remakes qus they just make all the good movies into some kinda wierd crap.:p anyway speaking of amityville's horror to ya know that all this thing waht happened in that "remake" was actually true ( yes there was George And Kathy Lutz
who bought a creepy house what was like really creepy and had some kinda wierd ghosts in it, btw check this intervie whit george lutz http://www.amityvillehorrortruth.com/articles/lutzinterview1.html


Ah yes! The new Amityville didn't give me nightmare, but I did have some difficulty going to sleep, LMAO! I've only seen the first Amityville and the Remake. I heard of 2, 3, or however many there are(lmao), but I never had any intention of watching them.

I want the remake of Fog to come out ASAP. I like the old Fog movie, I hope this remake, or whatever it's suppose to be, is DANDY!

I haven't watch an Alfred Hitchcock movie in awhile. *wants to watch Psycho*

Marty MC

am pretty sure that u can join we just hafta wait till david comes back and add's u to members list;)

Marty MC

Furret Lover said:
What is the Current Discussion? (Other than the Amityville)
well lemme think something..... got it
who is ur fav main character/killer/ghost/pervert from horror movies?
my is definitely sadako from ringu series, qus she is sexy, kinda sad,poor misunderstood gurl ='(

Marty MC

Furret Lover said:
My Favorite All-Time Killer would have to be Ben Willis, from I Know What You Did Last Summer. Evil in a insane, revengeful way.
lemme think ummm..... was he that psycho fisherman maniac?

Marty MC

Furret Lover said:
Yes, he was. Heres a topic:

What is the Goriest Movie you ever seen?
wel lemme think..... ummmm to be onest i really don't like gory movies but umm...... i think that texas chain saw massacre or resident evil (if that one is horror movie)

Marty MC

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