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Horror Movies' Cub

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Rawr >3
wow. i completely forgot about this club. it's amazing it survived. if i could be in a horror movie, i'd be in exorcism of emily rose. that way i wouldn't get killed, and i'd get to hear the trial. :)


FullmetalPikachu said:
wow. i completely forgot about this club. it's amazing it survived. if i could be in a horror movie, i'd be in exorcism of emily rose. that way i wouldn't get killed, and i'd get to hear the trial. :)

Hey your right about that.

Ok new topic what was the first horror movie you saw.
Mine was Scream.


Rawr >3
i'm not sure, but i think it was like, chuckie. i was like 5 when i saw it and was afraid to go near dolls and stuffed animals. o_O


Rawr >3
right now i'm reading the novel version of the exorcist. i wanna see how the movie compares to it.

EDIT: i just watched Saw. i guess it's sortof a horror, but more of a psychological kinda thing. the ending was really surprising. can't wait to see the sequel.
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Professor Zaroff

can i join as i type it whyle watching nightmare on elm street 3 dream woriors


Yes you may.

Yes it is sorry every one ok new topic. Have you had a dream about a horror movie. I have had one wear I was at lunch. and my friends sister comes running in from Freddy and I got up and killed him. But he did hit me once but it was not deep.
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