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[. Horus Control .] Locked, does not contain format or game title.

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Uchiha Itachi

Kiss My ***~
[. Monsters 22 .]

Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
Cyber Dragon
Cyber Dragon

D.D. Warrior Lady
Spirit Reaper
Exiled Force
Exiled Force
Dekoichi the Pimp Locomotive
Dekoichi the Pimp Locomotive
Mystic Tomato
Mystic Tomato
Mystic Tomato

[. Spells 13 .]

Heavy Storm
Premature Burial
Nobleman of Xout
Graceful Charity
Swords of Revealing Light
Brain Control
Brain Control
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Smashing Ground
Last Will

[. Traps 6 .]

Royal Decree
Royal Decree
Torrential Tribute
Ring of Destruction
Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted


TCG Trainer
This actually looks great!! My only beef is no Treeborn, but Decree makes Treeborn bad. It might be good for pre-decree, so you can get out 6 easier.


Can people PLEASE start paying attention to the rules of this forum? You post a thread, it must contain the Game Title (Since not everyone plays YGO) and the Format. (So people know what format it is in case you're using banned cards.) It's the basic rules laid down by Fox in this forum, and one that I wouldn't be so anal about enforcing if started to pay attention to the stickies.

If you accidently post a thread without these two factors, PM me and I'll change for you. No PM though, and I'll assume you just ignored the rules or haven't read them.

Feel free to post again after reading the guidelines.
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