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houndour in LG

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Hard Core Gaming
I want to ask is houdour cathchable in LG and where , i was in altering cave for 1 hour and i only found zubats ?


No. You can only catch it in Emerald.


*The Water Warrior*
Actually it is catchable in fr and lg, but theres a catch. You must use the mystery gift function at least one time, after doing so go back to the altering cave and it will no longer be occupied by only zubat, aipom, stantler, houndoor,mareep, pineco, shuckle, smeargle, and teddiursa will now occupy the cave.


Well-Known Member
Actually it is catchable in fr and lg, but theres a catch. You must use the mystery gift function at least one time, after doing so go back to the altering cave and it will no longer be occupied by only zubat, aipom, stantler, houndoor,mareep, pineco, shuckle, smeargle, and teddiursa will now occupy the cave.

That is not true, read the FAQ:

26. Q: What does Altering Cave do? All I find is Zubat!
A: The speculation was that we would be able to change the Pokemon in Altering Cave through Wonderspots. These are machines that you use Mystery Gift with, and they've been used at Pokemon Rocks America and the Pokemon Center in NYC to give out the Tickets for Deoxys and Lugia/Ho-oh. Unfortunately, there have been no Wonderspots for Altering Cave (in Japan or elsewhere), so it's basically a feature that they probably had every intention of doing something cool with, but just never did for whatever reason. The Altering Cave Pokemon can be obtained in Emerald, Colosseum, and now in Pokemon: XD.
Nope, only obtainable in the top most area of the safari zone in Emerald
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