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Hour Of The Houndour! (152)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hour Of The Houndour!

When some Houndour go around stealing food, Ash & co. devise a plan to try and stop them. But when they find out that one of the Houndour is injured, they try to help, but Team Rocket soon come after the Houndour. Will they heal the injured Houndour?

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Team Awesome
This episode was pretty interesting in that they showcased houndours as a little less of the devil dog than they appear to be. They certainly did the same the next year with the houndoom and Togepi episode.

The part I liked the best, however, was when Jessie, James, and Meowth fight over the ham and kick up a bunch of dust, and when the smoke clears Wobbuffet's out of his pokeball without even hearing it open. :)


In this episode I like the part in which a Golem beat the Houndour's Leader!
Good filler, with Houdours :), but Ash should have gotten Houndour, it would be great on his team


Well-Known Member
A very nice filler nice to see the Houndour. Anyone catch the fact that Ash said his Pokeballs and Pokedex were in his pack then just a couple of segments later he has both with him before he finds his pack.


<This girl rocks!!
I really dont have any strong feelings for this ep, it 'twas but a filler.

Manafi's Dream

Houndour is one of my favorite Pokemon.


You will be missed:(
A very nice filler nice to see the Houndour. Anyone catch the fact that Ash said his Pokeballs and Pokedex were in his pack then just a couple of segments later he has both with him before he finds his pack.

Actually when he checked his pockets, he was making sure that the balls and dex were in his pockets, rather than in the bag. He said right after that his important things (Pokeballs, Pokedex, and badges) were always kept in his pockets.


In my nightmares
This is a good episode. Houndours are so awesome. It wasn't necessary for Ash to have one, though. (to the above posters)
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Grass Pokemon Expert
I was really hoping Ash was going to catch a Houndour. I think it would have made a great addition to his team. I felt bad for the sick Houndour, and I can understand why his pack was stealing food. I thought it was funny when Team Rocket was fighting over the ham and then a Houndour takes it without them noticing. I don't understand how Nurse Joy didn't hear Team Rocket take her ham in the first place. They were talking a lot, and I believe Wobuffet even popped out.


kiss my greens
Jeez, Nurse Joy puts down her groceries to get ice cream and she's surprised when they get stolen. The hell did she think would happen? Christ.

Wow, I'm actually kind of surprised that Ash didn't get that Houndour. It challenged him personally, you'd think he would have caught it. Oh well, he's got Charizard and Cyndaquil already. It'd be kind of redundant imo.


Great episode, one of my favorite in this season.
I loved how Ash help to the Houndour, it was amazing.
And those Houndour weren't so bad.


Let's go to the beach, each.
Typical mutts. These Houndour remind me of the disgusting beasts we have roaming our streets stealing food from our trash cans. I can relate to the character's frustrations because of my own experiences.

I liked that Ash and the main Houndour had something going on. Again, a great oppurtunity to give Ash a cool Pokemon, missed.

Overall, it was almost Filler in quality since it wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. 5/10