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how annoying is it when fans call good dubs bad?

have you ever gone to a thread/forum about an anime that had just been dubbed to find that fans complain about how horrible the dub is? i'm not talking about dubs like One Piece were the music was changed and was treated horribly, i'm talking more about dubs that were decent, had minimul editing, kept all the music, free of name changes, and even had pretty cloce to accurate dialoge! yet despite how true to the origonal the dub was, fans complain about it anyway!!! saying stuff like "they pernounced this charactors name wrong" or "they dumbed down the dialoge so that kids could understand" or "the voices were awful" even when the names were pronounced correctly, the dialoge was not dumbed down, and the voices actualy sounded cloce to the origonals! well here's a place to talk about how annoying those fans are! oh and the fact that when the company does chose to releace uncut bilingual DVDs fans chose not to buy them!

Korobooshi Kojiro


I've seen them, the Narutards who think the Dub was butchered like One Piece...-_-

Which it isn't close

*I don't mean to offend One Piece dubbies


Johto Champion
Naruto's pretty much the big contender for this one... The many times I wanted to slap a Naruto-Subbie...

Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Zatch Bell. Sure, some of the music was changed and the names were simplified (NOT CHANGED) but most of the dub is swell. It's a shame they didn't keep some of the more risque jokes in the dub though, like the Big Boing's superpower.


Well-Known Member
I agree on Naruto. I started watching the subs since everyone was saying how bad the dub was, but then I was forced to watch a dub since I couldn't find one episode subbed. And...I didn't find it bad. In fact I couldn't see any of what they were complaining about.


Johto Champion
And there are name changes in Zatch Bell... Such as Patie to Penny... That's about as pointless as 4Kids changing Ace to Trace.

But overall, Zatch Bell's dub is ok.


I've heard Tenchi called bad because it was editted on Toonami. Subbies claimed that only the subbed version was uncut back in 1999. Rambunctious lies.

Naruto, yeah it's a bad dub because it doesn't have the exact translations found in your precious fansubs by ANBU or Dattebayo. Cry my a freaking river you 'tards!

People don't understand Dattebayo is a DIALECTUAL choice for Naruto, it's like when Moogles say "Kupo" or when Nyaasu adds "nya" to each or every other sentence. Also Dattebayo defenders have no idea of the Japanese language, or at least the part where "desu" is replaced with "da" and how "dattebayo" is derived from it.

The fact is Naruto is one of the only dubs where I've seen such a diverse cast of voice actors. Even some screen actors had roles (Haku for example). Like FMA, you have actors known for doing Animaze, Funimation and NYAV post dubs all in ONE studio. The best of the best as they say.

If you can't get over the fact that the actors for Naruto needed to settle into their roles, are qualified voice actors or are a WHOLE lot better than some other dubs YOU'VE probably never spent money on like Tank Police or Project A-Ko, then I suggest you shut up for good.

Azumanga Daioh. I haven't heard much against the dub actually, just that some people think it's "scary" that they dubbed the Karaoke part.

Any time someone complains about a Kansai-ben speaking character such as Naru Osaka(Sailormoon), Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno (Love Hina), Kasuga Ayumu (Azumanga) or Maya Jingu's family (Burn Up eXcess) with the defense that "they spoke normal" in the Japanese version I want to smack them with a paper fan for their poor ear for the Japanese language...or rather how dialects differ. I'm not saying using a Southern accent, a Houston accent or a Bronx accent is the best way to go but it does give us a flavor of how brash people in the Kansai area are perceived to be.

Dragon Ball...the first one anyway. FUNimation did all the right choices redubbing the series. Original music intact, songs dubbed, some voices still took getting used to like Krillin (sorry Mr. Strait, I'm just getting Jimbo Kern from you). Haven't heard complaints though.
Does anyone think the Bobobo dub is bad? I have never seen the original version, but I have seen the the Spanish one.

I think everyone's voices are great!


Old Coot
Naruto, Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist.

These three are usually the targets of complaints from Japanophiles. The fact is, all three have great dubs. Yes, there's censorship here and there or some names are pronounced differently than what we're accustomed to, but that's what DVDs and great voice actors are for. Those three shows sport some talented VAs that have been in the biz for quite a while.

Unlike a certain pirate show that features VAs that have only worked for one company that's rigorously mocked by the public.


Full metal Alchemist and Bleach dubs were actually impressive. For once, they did not purnounce any names wrong, and they did not try to add any cheesy Japanese accent with Englsih dialogs.

Naruto and Onepiece... I am not gona say anything. Feel like killing the dubbers. (how the hel can you guys listen to NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-RUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-TOOOOOOOOO)?


Old Coot
patrickstar, they all pronounce Naruto's name properly, unlike TOM does during the commercials. e_e

The Naruto dub is NOTHING to complain about.
well of cource they gave folgore an italian accent, after all he IS italian! and the ChiChi Wo Moge song was changed for obvious reasons

Because America couldn't handle the awesome.

And there was no need to give Folgore a stereotypical Italian accent. He didn't have one in the sub.

Did they give Kafka a stereotypical german accent? No.