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how annoying is it when fans call good dubs bad?


Monkey Dragon
Naruto. I saw the dub first and saw how much people complained about it, so I tried watching the sub version. The first thing I said is, "Why the hell is this undergrown adult traveling with two children?" (refering to Sasuke). I also noticed Kakashi's voice is a lot less noticeable in the Japanese version, but most of the voices are dead on (ESPECIALLY Hinata).
actuayy i did hear a slight bit of italian in the origonal voice, not to mention it's kinda hard to tell appart a regular japanese speaking voice from one with an italian accent, and as far as the song goes, the tune was kept although i will admit the origonal would explain why he said "boing boing" wonder if they can mabey have the dub voice give us an uncut english vocal, the words fit perfectly so no problems there
Naruto. I saw the dub first and saw how much people complained about it, so I tried watching the sub version. The first thing I said is, "Why the hell is this undergrown adult traveling with two children?" (refering to Sasuke). I also noticed Kakashi's voice is a lot less noticeable in the Japanese version, but most of the voices are dead on (ESPECIALLY Hinata).

i gotta aggree about that one, hinata was no doubt dead on! the only even remote problem i have with the voices is that Naruto's is somewhat raspy at times, but otherwise no complaints! you know i bet you if they had fansubs for Yu Yu Hakusho on the internet before it got dubbed that fans would probily even complain about Hiei's voice, i can see it now a fan saying "omg Hiei has no emotion at all, i hate it" lol

It's alot harder for a Japanese VA to do a Italian accent though.

The only one I've seen is who does Chronos in GX, na no ne.

oh ya almost forgot about him, but ya he's the only one speaking japanese with a heavy italian accent

one more thing, as far as good or at least decent dubs go, one of the things good to remember if theres any question of weather or not it's a good one or not, heres a good idea of a way to make up your mind, just ask yourself "what would this show be like if 4kids got to it first?" that should help you determine weather it's good or not
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Did they give Kafka a stereotypical german accent? No.

You do seem to have a point.

But you don't see Kafka making songs about groping nor does he joke around in battle. Yes, he does have some lugubrious moments...but Mr. Sunbeam is more serious than Parco.
You do seem to have a point.

But you don't see Kafka making songs about groping nor does he joke around in battle. Yes, he does have some lugubrious moments...but Mr. Sunbeam is more serious than Parco.

But I don't see what seriousness has to do with accents.

And don't tell me that a stupid accent compliments jokes...
well truth be told (and no offence to the italians out there) italian accents can sometimes be funny sounding at times, and for a charactor like folgore who is pretty much comic relief in the show, it fits him! plus they gotta have him be as funny as possible (with out adding lame jokes like some companies) to make up for all the times were it's some sort of sex joke (remember what he did with the mellons?) had to be cut!


Old Coot
Accents are fine and all, but not when they're the stereotypical accents. o_O I'm part Italian and even I don't speak with that kind of an accent.


My gripes about fans have already been expressed by other people in this thread.

Things to add: the Bleach dub. I hate how the elitist fans complain about how Viz translated Shinigami to Soul Reaper. Really, translating something is better than leaving Japanese words running wild in English sentences...

But, to tell the truth, closed-minded dub elitists could be pretty annoying too and make me angry whenever they speak about the Japanese equivalent of their anime - esspecially Dragon Ball Z/GT dub fans.
either way folgore's voice is fine, it's not like they tried giving him an accent that suggests he's from a place he's not! i can't even count how many time 4kids tries to give a charactor an accent that is wrong *cough* Bakura *cough* or unnessary
either way folgore's voice is fine, it's not like they tried giving him an accent that suggests he's from a place he's not! i can't even count how many time 4kids tries to give a charactor an accent that is wrong *cough* Bakura *cough* or unnessary

Well, last time I checked, Bakura was an exchange student, possibly from the UK.


But I don't see what seriousness has to do with accents.

And don't tell me that a stupid accent compliments jokes...

Nope, I'm saying that the accent compliments the way that Raiku drew him.

Though like Super Mario it does create a poor image to the Italian people.

But what do you expect from Japan (even though Studiopolis of California is the one who made the choice to dub him that way)?

Well, last time I checked, Bakura was an exchange student, possibly from the UK.

"What's wrong with his voice?"

"Is he a girl?''

"Go back to Russia!"
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Nope, I'm saying that the accent compliments the way that Raiku drew him.

Though like Super Mario it does create a poor image to the Italian people.

But what do you expect from Japan (even though Studiopolis of California is the one who made the choice to dub him that way)?

it's not realy that harsh of an image! they're realy suggesting if anything that they are happy and fun loving people who sometimes talk funny, and mabey that they love pizza. now if they were suggesting stuff like them being associated with the mob that would be a whole nother story!

Ralts Master

Knight of White Eye
Naruto seems the be the main target for this sort of thing. People complain whenever something is different from their fansubs, and complain about... well, pretty much anything and everything.
the problem is that fansubs are making the dub look bad, and the fact that the distributers don's stop once it's dubbed only further makes the good dubs look bad! the only time were fansubs should be up after they're lisenced is if one, it's realy poorly dubbed, and the company has no plans of having an uncut dvd releace. and two, if they're so far ahead that they're subbing current episodes in japan. however for that i do think that once the dub dubs an episode they fansubbed that that episode should be removed from the tracker! otherwise fansubs need to show respect for the dub. and i wouldn't even bother trying to mess with FUNimation, cause word is that they will send C&D letters and if they refuse then they will take it in court.
Pokemon it really was good no matter what people said.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Kaiba: "Your gay friend is right."
Bakura: "I'm not gay, just British!"

Anyway, I believe Bakura in the original was actually just from Japan, but a different school.

Atleast Yami Bakura could pull off a decent evil voice with the accent.

Pokemon it really was good no matter what people said.
If only 4kids other shows could be more like it.
Kaiba: "Your gay friend is right."
Bakura: "I'm not gay, just British!"

Anyway, I believe Bakura in the original was actually just from Japan, but a different school.

no, i read the manga a happen to know that he is in fact an exchange student from China not some other part of Japan, and certinly not Britian!