Blackjack Gabbiani
Clearly we're great!
Uncutpokemon, is it even remotely possible for you to get through *one* thread without bringing your hatred of 4Kids into things?
i'm not bringing it up here, i just saying the truth
There is a difference, however. Most claims of shows like Naruto or Bleach being "ruined" tend to stem from people following fansubs who don't know an ounce of Japanese. Namely when something mistranslated or missed in translation in a fansub ends up being corrected in the dub. Lord knows how many times people complain about Naruto saying "Believe it" yet seem to ignore the Japanese counterpart always saying "Dattebayo." Or in Bleach's case where Shinigami is translated properly to Soul Reaper, yet people complain as if it was a wrong translation.The problem with this thread is that dub quality is in the eye of the beholder. So people don't agree with your opinions that the Naruto or the Bleach dub is awesome. So what? At the end of the day, does that really matter? Does it impede your enjoyment of the dub? Or is it just used as a talking point to be used in threads like these that segregate anime fans based on their preference in voice actors?
Stating that the Naruto dub is good as if it was a fact is just as bad as someone stating that the Naruto dub is bad as if it was a fact.
There is a difference, however.
Pokemon it really was good no matter what people said.
Do you mean "Nah-roo-toe" or "Nair-roo-toe"? Because the former is right, while I squeal with hatred at the latter.Naruto and Onepiece... I am not gona say anything. Feel like killing the dubbers. (how the hel can you guys listen to NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-RUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-TOOOOOOOOO)?
Like I don't care what Dogasu thinks at all, the first movie dub was good.
1. does it have decent (dosen't have to be perfect) voices? that you can put up with hearing
2. is all the BGM kept?
3. is the company in any way planing to give us uncut bilingual DVDs?
4. is it free of lame dialoge? and somewhat accuratly translated
no it wasn't! it may be opinion but fact is that first movie was pure BS, i bet next your gonna tell me that chronicles was a great dub! and actualy this is just my opinion and all but i think as far as the pokemon dub in general, that it realy dosen't fall under the catagory of a good dub or a bad dub! mostly because of the fact that some parts are quite good, and other parts are so bad that the One Piece dub quivers in fear! basicly as far as the parts of it go i would say that up until the point in joto were they started changing music left to right that part was good, however the movies up until movie 4 were they started using the origonal music was crap! stsrting with the point were they started changing music in joto an movie 4 and up, the movies started getting better while the episodes started getting worse, then once advanced generation started, that was when 4kids realy started treating it like the rest of their crap, while the movies were doing great! as for chronicles, i would say what i think about it but it would probily get me kicked off forums for too many swear words! whike as the new battle frontier dub (the non 4kids one) is doing a pretty good job, not perfect but ok. so as you can see pokemon as a whole is a little of each!
personaly as far as dubs go i think that when it comes to them good or not that these four things would be a good guidline as to it being good or not.
1. does it have decent (dosen't have to be perfect) voices? that you can put up with hearing
2. is all the BGM kept?
3. is the company in any way planing to give us uncut bilingual DVDs?
4. is it free of lame dialoge? and somewhat accuratly translated
of cource theres more thing to judge it on but those are some basic things to look at, so if the anime has all four of these traits then it's a good dub, and if it has zero then it's a bad one! these four things seem reasonable right?
uncutpokemon said:no it wasn't! it may be opinion but fact is that first movie was pure BS
But it wasn't good like the Naruto dub. Speaking of, Do you mean "Nah-roo-toe" or "Nair-roo-toe"? Because the former is right,
Just because it entertained a child doesn't automatically make it good.I'm not reading that crap. The first movie was good, I enjoyed it as an 11 year old when I saw it in the movies. It accomplished the goal of entertaining a child.
Remember, what one person may not enjoy is something someone can. Doesn't automatically make it good or bad, though.
..Unless you're playing Superman 64. Then that's all around bad.
have you ever gone to a thread/forum about an anime that had just been dubbed to find that fans complain about how horrible the dub is? i'm not talking about dubs like One Piece were the music was changed and was treated horribly, i'm talking more about dubs that were decent, had minimul editing, kept all the music, free of name changes, and even had pretty cloce to accurate dialoge! yet despite how true to the origonal the dub was, fans complain about it anyway!!! saying stuff like "they pernounced this charactors name wrong" or "they dumbed down the dialoge so that kids could understand" or "the voices were awful" even when the names were pronounced correctly, the dialoge was not dumbed down, and the voices actualy sounded cloce to the origonals! well here's a place to talk about how annoying those fans are! oh and the fact that when the company does chose to releace uncut bilingual DVDs fans chose not to buy them!