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How can I get a pokemon with both Ancient Power and Nature Power?

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I want to create a pokemon that knows Ancient Power, Secret Power, Hidden Power and Nature Power (I know that there is another move with the word power in it, but I can't remember what it was and it wasn't very good anyway)

Secret Power and Hidden Power isn't a problem, but getting the other 2 into a pokemon is. (also I don't want the pokemon with the powers to be a ;235;)
The only pokemon I have found that can have both the Nature and Ancient powers as egg moves is Chikorita, but how can I get both moves into a single pokemon? (I will do any amount of breeding nessacery) ;154;


Well-Known Member
I don't beleive that it is possible to get Ancientpower and Nature Power on one pokemon exept for Smeargle.

But the other Power attack is Superpower and Regirock, Regice and Registeel are all three able to learn both Superpower and Ancientpower.

Hope I helped.


Nidoking and Queen can both learn SuperPower but I don't know about Nature Power ...

Evanji Axu

*goes into Artisan's cave and comes out carrying an armful of Smeargle*

Take your pick and go nuts, sweetie.


NW Tourney Winner
Looks like Smeargle is your only option.


*cry* Smeargles can't breed with Megainum
Why is Pokemon so unfair?!

All pokemon that can learn Superpower Deoxys, Nidoqueen, Regice, Regirock and Registeel (info taken from
http://www.psypokes.com/dex/techdex.php?id=276 A good site to find out which pokemon can learn a certain move)
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malabui said:
*cry* Smeargles can't breed with Megainum
Why is Pokemon so unfair?!

All pokemon that can learn Superpower Deoxys, Nidoqueen, Regice, Regirock and Registeel (info taken from
http://www.psypokes.com/dex/techdex.php?id=276 A good site to find out which pokemon can learn a certain move)

A better site would be this one.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I think they meant THIS one, as in, the one we're on right now. :D

And since this has been answered, and breeding questions belong in the Breeding sticky anyway...

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