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how can salamance learn hydropump

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How can he do it i heard that you have to breed a gyarados and salamance together but when i do that the man say they don't like each other so please help me out.


Awesome OOBER n00b
the only way 2 pokemon cant breed is if the old geezer says, "They prefer to play with other pokemon."

that help?
basically, ya they can breed, it'll just take awile.
It does actually work, I have my own Salamence that knows Hydro Pump

Just give it some time, or just keep switching routes :)


Obsessive Beader/Mod

16. Q: The guy at the daycare says my Pokemon don't like each other! Why? Will they breed?

A: Yes! The message that you'll get when the Pokemon are not compatible is "They prefer to play with other Pokemon." The phrase, and how many steps it takes to get an Egg, depends on your Pokemon's species and trainer ID number.

Different IDs and Same Species = Fast "The two seem to get along very well."
Different IDs and Different Species OR Same IDs and Same Species = Medium "The two seem to get along."
Same IDs and Different Species = Slow "The two don't seem to like each other."

This should answer your question...as long as the Gyarados is male (and has Hydro Pump) and the Salamence is female, you'll get a Bagon egg with Hydro Pump.

If you're still having trouble there's a breeding sticky you can post in with any questions you have about breeding:



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