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How come I cant trade pokemon between Emerald and Ruby


New Member
It says "please wait.. b button: cancel" on both gameboys

i am at sootopolis for both games and am talking to the woman and its conencted


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Are you using a Nintendo GBA cable? That message usually means a problem with the cable...if it's a Gameboy Color/older cable it won't work. Also, the wireless adapters don't work with Ruby, so if you're using those you'll need to get a link cable.


um, and stuff
What Pokemon are you trading and is it Ruby to Emerald or vice versa.
Otherwise i don't have one clue


The new tuxedo look!
Is the cable a real one? When I went to the bahamas once I saw a lot of fake ones.
Anyway, is old? Look at it. is it broken?(rips, tears, strange cables...) If not it's possibly not connected well.


Powerplay Champion
didja use any cheated pokemon... sometimes it can adversly affect your games in ways like this


It either might not be connected properly, or it might be that there's some dust in one of the link slots/place where you put the cable in. Try blowing on them.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Maybe you have to use a new cable.