So, BirthdayPirate, your audience is a collection of television-fed, no-imagination-here five-year olds who can't handle a paragraph of description? Do we just give them a basic story? Ignore them when they ask what the heck your character looks like?
I would ask them where they'd been for the past six years, why they're on a Pokemon forum if they barely know what it is, and why in the world they can even stomach fan fiction of a world so foreign to them.
Not born yet? Maybe that's why. There was a member of the forums that was only six years old. Or maybe they are new fans to the series? They scoffed it before, and only now got into it?
So, in your eyes, one can not join the forum unless they know nearly everything about the world of Pokémon? If they have a question because they are new to the franchise, then they must go elsewhere because SPPf is the home of those who know all? fiction and fantasy books tell of worlds that are foreign to me... So, guess I can't read those things that are bogged full of description...
Why are there different views on the same Pokémon? Because humans form their own opinions on things. The world isn't black and white, it's gray, pink,and teal as well. Everyone has a different view of the world. It's, you know, interesting to see how others view the world.
I've read Ash_Junior's fics. His descriptions immerse me into the world that he has created, because I can see everything. I become more of a member of that world. Without description, I have to form a picture in my head from no information. Do you know how difficult that is?
Or do we just ruin the art of creating an image with words by doodling little pictures to post. So, instead of describing a Cyndaquil, I just go ;155; and be done with it. But, smilies are against the rules for fanfiction because we are supposed to be creating an image with words.
There is no need to go as insane with description as the book
Return of the Native did. Fifteen pages of straight description of the scenery. There's no need for that. But if there is some description, so that we know that there is a river by a tree, then that's fine. We could even use Hemmingway-esque description and say "He came to the river. The river was there." There is a limit to how much description is needed, and it is up to the author to decide how much to put in.
These little squiggly things on the page are called letters. When put together, they make sounds..."
Okay, now I just feel like a retard because you are descibing the act of reading to me. If I need your help in telling me how I am reading instead of giving me something interesting to read, then I will be getting rather angry.
Stop trying to defend your slow-paced, boring, description-laden ways and think of who your audience really is, and what they really need to hear.
Pace is a wonderful thing. Without a slow pace, and lots of action, readers will get lost. Taking time to slow things down gives your reader a break...
Oh wait. I'm sorry. We have been watching television for too long and all have the same views and can't be bothered to focus on anything.
Excuse the long post.