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How Did You Get Into Pokemon?

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Well-Known Member
Well, I remember having an online conversation with a few fellow Pokemaniac friends... eventually we all started telling the stories of how we got into Pokemon. It was really interesting hearing everyone else's stories, so... yeah. Here's mine.

When I first heard of Pokemon at the age of six, it was "That stupid thing everyone likes". LOL. I HATED it back then. Or so I thought. Now that I think about it, I didn't... not really. I was pretty darn sure I did, though. Sailor Moon was my passion back then... I had no time for "Pokeman" - yes, I seriously thought it was called that. >.<

I don't really know when my views on that changed. Despite hating Pokemon, I have always collected the cards... and just about any other thing that I could stuff into a photo album that I called my "Trading Card Binder". Most of the things in it were nothing like trading cards. One was a yellow plastic thing that said "PRESS FOR SOUND"... and I considered that a trading card. I was kind of obsessed with those cards. But I liked ALL cards, not just Pokemon... that was a very odd hobby.

I also vaguely remember having a journal that I had filled with drawings, done by me and my aquaintences, of Sailor Moon. Somewhere down the line I changed it to "Sailor Moon and Pokemon", for reasons I don't remember. And even later, I made it "Sailor Moon, Pokemon, and Powerpuff Girls." Random, I know. But to tell the truth I'm not sure if I still "hated" Pokemon then or not.

Anyway, the years went by... I eventually lost interest in Sailor Moon - it's hard to keep interest in a TV show when the time is always changing. This was Life Before TiVo, after all. Yeah.

When I was eight, my brother Rocky brought home a cartridge of Crystal Version that he had borrowed from his friend Jack. I was mildly interested (and a little bit surprised that the character was a girl - that "Ash" kid was a boy, wasn't he?), but didn't really play it. Rocky LOVED it, though, and rented the game from BlockBuster later.

I did play THAT, though. I created a new game on it. Rocky told me that if I saved, the existing game would be deleted. I, being the all-knowledgable eight-year-old I was, didn't believe him. So I saved anyway. He... got really mad at me for that. ^^'

When I started the game, I didn't really know what I was doing. I named the character JODI, one of the names from the drop-down menu. I got as far as Violet City in that game before I had to return it to Blockbuster... but that was long enough to get me hooked.

I heard from Jack(my brother's friend, who BTW also happened to be my friend's brother... and my mortal enemy) that the televison show was on Saturdays at nine and weekdays at four. Once I started watching the show... well, I guess it sealed my destiny. LOL. TO make a long story short, I became... even more obsessed than I already was.

Anyway, I guess I should shut up now... I'm being quite long-winded. There's still so much to tell, though. And so much to hear. So... anyone care to share his/her own story? I'd love to hear it.


Well-Known Member
james from team rocket. -_-" sad, i know, but i used to deeply love him, andd when i saw him in pokemon 4 ever, i became obsessed w/ pokemon. :eek:


Well-Known Member
Gladly, for I like telling the little "tale".

My ex-friend Kaye got into Pokemon a while before I did. One day when I went around her house she was watching an episode of the anime and so I watched it too... Vaporeon was using Ice Beam, that's all I can remember. Then a few weeks later she got herself Pokemon Red and pestered me to get Pokemon Blue. I relented around Easter 1999 and brought Blue when I went out with Mum to visit a friend of hers. Mum and the friend were wiping prawn cocktail from their mouths, I was wiping Gary's Charmander over Prof Oak's lab with the help of my Bulbasaur.

Fast track to 2006 and i'm still very much obsessed with Pokemon... especially Sneasel... and was very proud of my Ice Beaming Vaporeon on Blue. Ex-friend Kaye soon got bored of Pokemon and now joins the ranks of those who brand it babyish. Yay for her, I think not.
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