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How do i beat ariticuno?

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
I can't beat articuno I'm a Eevee LV20 and Pikachu LV21
:p :D :E :( :) :I :J :O :T :U :V :X :Y


Shiny Ho-Oh

Well-Known Member
Have lots of seeds and berries, I just beat Acticuno a few hours ago, my team was lvl22 Cyndaquil, lvl21 Squrtle


you know why im here
hey haris
ok u should lv up a tiny bit
bring ALOT of berrys and reviver seed IF possibl and link boxes help to (i onced linked all my moves wat ya know i killed entie in two hits!!!)

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
I linked moves but I already saved in the mid and i don't have good item's and i don't wanna lose my money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Team In Flames
Give your partner(s) Gravelrocks and they'll automatically throw them at Articuno.

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
zaid why did you take my itachi thing you monkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
First of all there is a help thread that is sticky.
Second, don't Flame!
Third, WTF does Itachi have to do with this thread.
If someone steals just report them. No more question asked.
Your n00bs never read the rules...


Well-Known Member
Use blast seeds by eating them infront of articuno

woot new rank

master haris

I Like Cereal!!!!!!!
oh sorry zaid and i just beat articuno
Bring oranberries and reviver seeds. Be leveling up and use tms. Only when you are ready go and face numero uno articuno. And bring rocks too.


You can beat Articuno by getting his Hitpoints to 0...

You're so nice, being sarcastic.

You know, taht ain't gonna help the poor guy.

Okay... I beat Articuno easily at level... 17. I was Pika-Char, so doesn't count. Lets see.. Bring Reviver Seeds, Berrys, Stun Seeds, and if Pika knows Thunder Wave, that'd help, Paralyzing... If Eevee knows Sand attack, link sand attack with a good move, so Articuno won't hit you as often. Strategy pwns. Power ain't everything ya know.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
You're so nice, being sarcastic.

You know, taht ain't gonna help the poor guy.

Okay... I beat Articuno easily at level... 17. I was Pika-Char, so doesn't count. Lets see.. Bring Reviver Seeds, Berrys, Stun Seeds, and if Pika knows Thunder Wave, that'd help, Paralyzing... If Eevee knows Sand attack, link sand attack with a good move, so Articuno won't hit you as often. Strategy pwns. Power ain't everything ya know.

now see, somone on this forum picked an awesome team. char and pika :D

give pikachu the tm thunderbolt?


Guess Who's Back?
Power to the eevee. <3
You need revival seeds, and gravelrocks would make it easier.
If you have attract, USE IT. That's how I won. It's the most useful move for the main storyline in my opinion for bosses.
And as for pikachu, get him to thunderwave him, then thunderbolt and tackle him to death.