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How do i change my username?

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i really want to know ive been on here a half a year.


At this present moment, you can't. You'll have to wait for the new Official Namechange thread.


dang it! thank for telling me though. what section is it in so i know?


thank do you now when it will be open again? if tell me who to ask.


Also, this is in the wrong section. PM Wolf Goddess or another Mod to move it for you. :)


Super Gamer
I'm wondering the same thing >_>;

I've been here since January 2004 and I asked Joe if he could change my name - he wouldn't even do that >_>; - talk about lazy.



Oddish plzkthnxbai
PokémonScott said:
I'm wondering the same thing >_>;

I've been here since January 2004 and I asked Joe if he could change my name - he wouldn't even do that >_>; - talk about lazy.

If he did do it, he would be overworked from everyone else asking for one too. >____>


Super Gamer
Well I've never had my name changed once the entire time I've been here. I'm not like those people who change their name every month >_>; - besides, once I change my name its final :p


Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
Pfft. There's nothing being done about it. We have six admins, and not one of them can find time in their busy lives to take twenty minutes and change a few names?

Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
PokémonScott said:
I wish you were an Admin Wolf Goddess - you could then change it.

Thanks, but RaZoR LeAf deserves to be one IMO.

Abhishek said:
Ya, like you've been on here for half a year.
Ya, sure, half a year
It says you've joined Jul 2005.

That's five months, dude. And he could have had an older account.


Where's my fanfare?
Perhaps this link will help you to some extent in seeing where to go. Yes, yes, there are admin and none are doing the thread, but who knows what the admin do honestly. Most seem to be online enough, and then disappear, perhaps they're doing adminish things that nobody else can see.

Another thing, though, is that a lot of forums won't have the option of changing your username. I am not referring to Pokemon fan-forums, mind you. You should consider your username from the start and make sure you'll like it.

The question has been answered, and the only thing that would be left to discuss is why no admin is changing names, which won't be a productive discussion at all. *closes thread*
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