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How do I evolve?

I beat the game, and I got the cave open. But when I go to the cave, it tells me I have to come alone. And I don't know how to make my partner stay behind so I can evolve! Help!!

EDIT: I feel stupid, right after I posted this, I figured out how to do it! Sorry!
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Queen of the Abyss
Go on a mission or something and before you go your partner will say something about letting other pokemon be leaders, say yeah, and then everyone will go to their friend area. When you want to make a pokemon evolve make sure you have all pokemon on standby, except the pokemon you want to evolve.


Kabuto Lover!
You have to go to your friend's area and talk to them. Select the Stand By option. Then go back to the cave and evolve!


fredfredburger yes!
he just said he figured out read his edit.