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How do i find Secret Trainer ID?


Well-Known Member
I was hoping someone here might be able to tell me how to find my secret trainer ID in LG/FR :)



Well-Known Member
Staff member
You can't find your secret trainer ID, that's why it's called your secret ID number.

EDIT: Since you said this was for your Fire Red/Leaf Green ID number, this should've been post in the Fire Red and Leaf Green forum.

You may be able to find it through a cheating device, but I don't think it's very likely, and I wouldn't reccomend you use one anyway.

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Well-Known Member
okay :) i need it for a cheating device code lol.. to make it "my own" pokemon, u know like i caught it myself.. the pokemonmaker requires the secret ID, else it wont be my own lol..

iknow its noot good for the game to use cheating device but i use it for getting event poke's..

neways thx for ur answer :) ill try and repost in the right forum


Powerplay Champion
there should be some codes from an action replay that can tell you your id number