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How do i find Secret Trainer ID?

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Well-Known Member
I was hoping someone here might be able to tell me how to find my secret trainer ID in LG/FR :)



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I know I said this in your other thread, but you CAN NOT find your secret trainer ID number, because it is a secret value.

The only possible way would be via a cheating device, but I have no idea what codes you would use, and discussion of cheating devices and related topics is prohibitted {sp?} on these forums.

In my opinion, it isn't worth trying to find you secret ID, and to use it to change the ID of pokemon that do not belong to you, (Like you were saying in the other thread) it's too risky and complicated.

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Well-Known Member
I know I said this in your other thread, but you CAN NOT find your secret trainer ID number, because it is a secret value.

The only possible way would be via a cheating device, but I have no idea what codes you would use, and discussion of cheating devices and related topics is prohibitted {sp?} on these forums.

In my opinion, it isn't worth trying to find you secret ID, and to use it to change the ID of pokemon that do not belong to you, (Like you were saying in the other thread) it's too risky and complicated.


well if i dont the pokemon will belong to OT: AAAAAA ID: 000000 ( via Action Replay ) tho only used to obtain event pokemon's..

well if its not allowed to discuss AR/GS/etc ánd ur 100% certain thers no possible way to make ur secret id appear, then "topic closed" i guess :)


I am the game
what is secret trainer id?
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