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How do i fix my gold version?


the mystic
I don't think the battery died. the screen turned black. And now it doesn't go past where it says Nintendo when you turn the game on.

Does anyone know how to fix it?


#1 Weavile Fan!
Blow in the catridge to get the dust out. You are lucky though. Mine has a dead battery.


the mystic
I've done that tons of times. It still doesn't work.



The battery dead means you can still play the game, but the game won't save, and will corrupt the existing game.
This probably means the game itself became corrupted. It happens sometimes. I would suggest getting a new one. Used G/S versions are cheap at EB Games.

But I wouldn't give up hope yet. Does your GameBoy work with other cartridges? If not, that's the problem.

Still, when i've had that problem, I blew in the cartridge and the slot in the GB, and after a bit, it worked.


the mystic
My SP works. it's just the game. the title screen is all black and everything.


In that case, the game itself has been corrupted and/or damaged in some way. You'll have to manually fix it (if you can) or more simply, get another.

latino heat

Mexican pride
I think its' un-fixabele unless you can restore the batterie because the batterie is dead dude.
You should give it a proper funeral.


The internal battery? No.

It doesn't start up the game. The inner workings of the cartridge are damaged. And if it was the internal battery, it would be fixable in a few ways.


here are some thoughts

-bang it on the edge of a table (although it is a risk)
-freeze it in the freezer (it helps restore batteries)
-blow hot air into the cartridge (breath air, not torch helium)
-shake it in midair
-yell at it
-try using a number of gameboys, gameboy advances, or gameboy advance sp's (just a thought)
-keep it in your pocket all day (anything could happen)
-keep it warm
-DO NOT pour water over it
-leave it safe in a compact area (box) for at least a week and check back on it
-watch some athf with if
-call the people in the back of the booklet and get some better advice then mine (please tell me my advice is better than there... just give me that *sniff*)