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How do I get a Metagross with Agility Under Lv. 50

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Bloodhound Gang Fan
I am trying to get a Metagross with agility, Meteor mash, EQ and sludge bomb. My only problem is I'm raising it for the level 50 Battle Frontier and Metagross learns agility at Lv. 66. Is there a way to get agility on it or should I raise it to Lv. 70? Thanks for you're help in advance. ;376;
P.S. Sorry if there's already a thread about this I did a search but nothing came up.


Back I guess??
you must wait up to level 56 for metang learn this.


Eh, ragazzo!
Why doesn't anybody teach their Metagross Psychic? >(

It's great for STAB, come on.


Bloodhound Gang Fan
Hmmmmm so there's no way at all well I could always replace it with explosion or something any sugestions? Still if anyone knows how I could please tell me. BTW nobody teachs their Metagross psychic cos' it's Special Attack sucks. I guess maybe it would be better than explosion...


Well-Known Member
Or use arial ace, its good too.. And its special attack isnt that bad. Since so many pokemon are week to Psychic and its got STAB... It's worth having.


Back I guess??
explosion works better with agility (I think)

also there is scary face it cuts opponent speed the same amount agility, and the game switches pokemon rarely.

if not try return (?)
or rock slide,
or even brick break

probably you´re pretending to have one adamant, so more one reason for not psycic


<-Don't wake him up!
There's no way to get agility on 'gross before lv.50, only MM. Here's a suggested and pretty effective moveset for a Lv.50 Metagross w/o agility for the frontier:
@Lum Berry-Great in combination with Clear Body ability (no abnormal status, no stat decreases> it's all good ;-D
Psychic-good for STAB and annoying pokes like Weezing
Meteor Mash-powerful stab 100 base power move, good chance for atatck increase
Explosion-If all of your other moves fail, then explode away
Earthquake-100 base power, 100% accurate, great fire counter; what else do you need to know?
Mecca: Actually, only fighting and poison are weak to psychic, so NOT too many pokemon are weak against psychic. :p
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Well-Known Member
Meh, I'm new to this Metagame... I just got Netbattle... Hmm... Psychic always seems to be pretty effective.. Well, thats a good set... Mine knows
Meteor Mash


Bloodhound Gang Fan
Well I'm not sure I'd like to replace Sludge bomb with Explosion it's pretty useful if you're going against grass types (I ran into 37 in a row in the Arena) so I think I'll keep that EQ's good against poison and fighting types don't really bother me with Meta's deffence so here's what I've decided:
Item: Lum
Meteor mash
Sludge Bomb
Exactly the same as before pretty much. Oh crud I just remembered I don't have a thing for Cro/Golbats I guess a Meteor Mash would kill (faint) them.


<-Don't wake him up!
Iron_Mew said:
Well I'm not sure I'd like to replace Sludge bomb with Explosion it's pretty useful if you're going against grass types (I ran into 37 in a row in the Arena) so I think I'll keep that EQ's good against poison and fighting types don't really bother me with Meta's deffence so here's what I've decided:
Item: Lum
Meteor mash
Sludge Bomb
Exactly the same as before pretty much. Oh crud I just remembered I don't have a thing for Cro/Golbats I guess a Meteor Mash would kill (faint) them.
The moveset is okay, but with Sludge Bomb in it, you'll run into a problem if Skarmory comes your way. That's where Psychic comes in some what handy. Though Skarmory is resistant to psychic attacks, its special defense sucks, and with 'grosses decent base sp. attack and a stabbed psyshic you should KO Skarmory in like 3-4 hits. EQ and Sludge Bomb don't even effect it, and Explosion and MM will barely scratch it.


Bloodhound Gang Fan
Yeah you're right guess it's bye-bye sludge bomb. But I don't get the
Tyranitar-Rex said:
'grosses decent base sp. attack
my Level 46 Metang only has 61 Spcl. Attack for Pete's sake! Can anyone think of a good nickname for it?


<-Don't wake him up!
Iron_Mew said:
Yeah you're right guess it's bye-bye sludge bomb. But I don't get the my Level 46 Metang only has 61 Spcl. Attack for Pete's sake! Can anyone think of a good nickname for it?
Well its special attack should go up significantayll once it evolves into 'Gross. If you still feel it's low, then EV train it in sp. attack aqgainst Spindas.


Eh, ragazzo!
Special Attack: 95
Special Defense: 90

When where 95 and 90 bad numbers? Or do you just think that any stat lower than a 100 is bad? That's like saying that Mew is average.

Stalker of the Sky's

Here is a move set I think is good:
Steal Claw
Meteor Mash
Dragon Claw



Bloodhound Gang Fan
Tyranitar-Rex said:
Well its special attack should go up significantayll once it evolves into 'Gross. If you still feel it's low, then EV train it in sp. attack aqgainst Spindas.
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Stalker of the Sky's

A Metorgross now that is impresive and doubling in attack through evolution I want something like that to happen to my 2nd wingull and then making the Pelipper as strong as possible in attack

Iron_Mew please PM me to tell me how much you like it.


Bloodhound Gang Fan
psychic politoed said:
Special Attack: 95
Special Defense: 90

When where 95 and 90 bad numbers? Or do you just think that any stat lower than a 100 is bad? That's like saying that Mew is average.
Mew average WTF? My one in Crystal has like 400 SP. Attack!
Hey Frosty Pelipper wanna battle? Think ya have a chance? Anyone have any advice for him when he battles me? Lv. 50 Vs. Lv. 50 Hehehe.
Any advice for names for my mean steel killing machine? Soz about that I no a lot of you could flog me but I'm KOing FP!

Stalker of the Sky's

I don't have anything LV. 50 *gasp and faints* except my relicanth, oh crud!


Well-Known Member
Any advice for names for my mean steel killing machine?
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