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how do i get togepi in fire red?

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
1. go to the main site and find out
2. on one of the islands after you beet e4 in 'water maze' you will meet an old man, if the pokemon first in your party is at max happiness and you have a space in your party he will give you an egg.

Dragonite 24

Livin' in a bubble!


My 1st shiny ever
Yeah, just be sure to have a free space in your team when you go talk to him

Darkmaster Rannon

Thundercats Hoo!
OMG?? thats how you get it?? I've had my Charizard the whole game and his Happiness isn't maxed yet?
I need some air...


Well-Known Member
And Remember If You Hatch One Egg You Get A Sticker From A Guy In A House On 4 Island I Think It Was .