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How do i roll snowballs in animal crossing?

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It has started snowing in my little town and it is all white everywhere. I want to get the snowman items and ive herd that i have to roll snowballs.........how do i do that???


With Action Amusing!
If I remember correctly, at least in the GC version, you need to find a bit of pre-rolled snow, then just walk into it as you would a ball, eventually your character will stop kicking and start pushing and rolling.

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
Make sure you don't push it in the water or you have to find the snowball again!

And if you push it on the bare ground, the snowball reduces in size!


Thankyou so much i guess i better keep looking if i want those items! although i only collect spooky and modern!


I cant find them anywhere!!!!!!!!! Im assuming im looking for white balls??? I looked in all my squares behind every tree and house i can see anyhthing!

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
You make it into a perfectly porportioned snowman and it will come alive and give you a piece of furniture. Remember it has to be perfectly porportioned for it to come alive. And no I'm not trying to be funny.
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Well-Known Member
Snowballs, Snowmen and snow items

The snowballs appear beginning Dec. 21 or the official start of winter when the snow accumulates on the ground. Then look for the snowballs.

To obtain a snow item, you need to roll up the snowballs just perfect and the snowman will come to life and send you an item in the mail. In the old game if I stopped and saved and then came back I found more snowballs if I dropped one in the water. I'll be playing my older version too so I can see what happens in the new and old game.

On another note, if you wait in your house after making an appointment with a critter to come visit, the animal willl actually come in your house and visit, talk with you and rate your room.

Zart Morder

Zephyr Trainer
vaerna said:
The snowballs appear beginning Dec. 21 or the official start of winter when the snow accumulates on the ground. Then look for the snowballs.
That was true of the Gamecube Animal Crossing, but now it appears the snowballs start appearing on the 11th. My snowballs appeared today and I'm now the owner of a Snowman Fridge.


R.I.P. Ridley
I just found one myself. Roll one up to maximum size, then roll another to half the size of the other one and roll the two together to make a good snowman.


Tendo128 said:
I just found one myself. Roll one up to maximum size, then roll another to half the size of the other one and roll the two together to make a good snowman.
What on the GC version?

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
No he was talking about Wild world. How can he find snow balls on the GC ver when the snowballs dont show up until the 21st?

ViNe WhIp

Johto Champion
Yes he does but you have to make him just right or else he just talks and gives you no item.
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