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How do i trade from ruby to FR?

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Active Member
Help pls :>


Live long, & prosper
You have to find the Sapphire and Ruby plates in the Sevii islands. The Sapphire Plate is in the Ruins Valley in 4 island(I think thats where it is.) and the ruby plate is in the dotted hole on 5 or 6 island. You'll have to go to Team Rockets hide out to get the plate back from the scientist who steals it from you in the hole. after that you can go into the Cerulean Cave and catch Mewtwo.


Live long, & prosper
To trade to R/S/E you'll have to get the Network Machine to work.This is why you need the Sapphire and Ruby Plates. Talk to Celio on two island after you do something which I forget.You can also try Gamewinners.com to find tips and hints.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
For the record, your question is also answered in the FAQ sticky:


16. Q: How do I trade with R/S/E? The game is telling me I’m not ready to trade yet!
A: In order to trade with R/S/E, you need to beat the E4 and get the National Dex, then complete Celio’s island quest by fixing the Network Machine. You need to find the Ruby and Sapphire plates on the Islands, and once the Network Machine is fixed, you can trade.

10. Q: How do I get the National Dex?
A: After you beat the Elite Four, if you have 60 or more Pokemon caught in your Pokedex, you will get the National Dex automatically. If not, get 60 Pokemon and then go talk to Oak, he will give it to you.

17. Q: Where are the Ruby and Sapphire plates?
A: The Ruby plate can be found in Mt. Ember. Once you have the National Dex, defeat the Rockets in front of the cave. Then you can go in and find the Ruby. They will NOT fight you until you have the 'Dex, so see question #10 on how to get it.

The Sapphire is a little more complicated. First, you must save Lorelei in Icefall Cave, on Four Island. This is VERY important—if you don’t do this, a scientist will be blocking your way to a cave on Six Island. Once Lorelei is saved, the scientist will be gone. Use Cut on the door, and make your way through the cave, reading the Braille on the wall to figure out which door to go through. Once you’re at the bottom, you’ll find the Sapphire plate, but the scientist will come and steal it! He’ll leave a password in his place, which allows you to get into the Rocket Warehouse on Five Island. Get through the Warehouse, and you’ll finally get the Sapphire plate, which you can take to Celio. PHEW!

Please read the FAQs, that's why I wrote them. XD

And Adam 1475, please PLEASE do not mini-mod. Posting just to tell someone they broke the rules is spam.

-Answered, closed
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