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How do you apply movie ratings to fics?

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I've done a few searches of the forums, but I could not find any guidelines on how to rate fanfics. I'd appreciate if someone would help me understand how to apply the movie ratings to fanfics.

What type of content is usually present in each of the ratings (G, PG, etc.)? And what exactly is the dividing line between PG and PG-13?


Just me
Good question... the detailed, official rating explanations can be found here.


Thanks a lot, Dragonfree. I have one more question: what about dark fics? I am working on a dark fic currently. The story has minimal violence, no swearing, no gore (but it does have death) and no suggestive material. I need to know if I should rate it PG or PG-13 because of the dark themes.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
My acquaintance Oddish developed a fan fiction rating system.
Here it is.
What you are suggesting would go under content. Some story don't have violence or language or sex but are about a topic that could be disturbing for young children.


Thanks, The Big Al. I'll make sure to make a note about its dark content along with its rating. From the info I've gotten I think I can safely rate it PG.


The Dainty Delcatty
Maybe one of the fanfic mods should make a Sticky topic on fic ratings. Anyway, just to give you an idea, here is a list of some of my fics, along with the reasons I rated them the way I did:

1, Kimono Girl Keiko: G rated

Reason: No inapproprite language and, while it does feature a Pokemon battle, there is no evidence of strong violence.

2, The Slaves Of Sanofainus: PG rated

Reason: Some violence (including characters getting killed), plus references to swearing (no actual swear words are used)

3, Project Alpha: PG13 rated (co-written with seven other authors)

Reason: Includes moderately strong violence, as well as references to the effects of germ warfare. In addition, contains some strong language, including one use of the F word

4, The Sect Of Xanadu Peak: R rated

Reason: Includes sex scenes, including one involving underage kids. Also, some violence (mainly child beating) and swearing

5, Making Out In Cats' Lair: NC-17 rated

Reason: Contains a great deal of swearing and sexual humour; the story was written to parody badly written lemons


Lightning Swordsman
My take on fanfic ratings goes something like this:

G rated fics include no swearing of any kind. They have minimal (if any) violence in them, and no explicit content of any kind. Minimal violence means Pokémon attacks and so forth.

PG rated fics can include use of minor, commonly-referenced four-letter words. The level of violence is slightly higher, and can include swordplay, use of guns, etc, so long as the description is not very graphic. Other explicit content, such as use of drugs, alcohol, or sex is not permitted at all.

PG-13 rated fics can include use of stronger language. Often, blood is described during battle scenes involving weapons. Explicit content as described above can be referenced, but it must be kept to a minimum.

I don't write anything R-rated, but that could include references to the F-word, highly graphic violence, and other explicit content as stated above.

Well, there's my two cents.

~ Raikou Rider ;243;


Well-Known Member
Fanfiction.net has also recently changed all film ratings to the official "fiction ratings." There is fiction rating: K, fiction rating: K+, fiction rating: T, fiction rating: M, fiction rating: MA, (Supplemental) Fiction Rated: B

Fiction Rated: K: Content suitable for most ages, mainly above the age of 5 which should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes. Basically, a G in film terms.

Fiction Rated: K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children because of minor action or violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes. Children over the age of 9 recommend. Basically, your PG in film terms.

Fiction Rated: T: Contains content not suitable to children. Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes. PG13 of course in film terms.

Fiction Rated: M: Contains content suitable for mature teengers and adults. Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language. Your rated R in film terms.

Fiction Rated: MA: Contains explict content for mature adults only. Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes. NC17 in film terms.

(Supplemental) Fiction Rated: B: Content suitable for ALL ages. I doubt that any of you guys are this clean and innocent in your fic though. XP

fiction ratings (c) fictionratings.com.

Just in case you really want to be fanfiction status. :rolleyes: lol. What will ff.net adopt next?


Well-Known Member
I hope I'm not breaking too bad of a rule bumping this, but it had to be said.

MA or NC-17 maens it deeply describes sexual scenes(I.E. porn or lemons). It doesn't matter how gruesome the violence is, or if every other word is a swear word, if it doesn't have a sex scene that is deeply described, it's not NC-17 or MA by movie standards. If you have the utmost violent and gruesome story, and you want to rate it NC-17, only do it if it's truely needed.

Just to recap, if this bumping isn't allowed, use your imaginations.


Well-Known Member
I'm planning on having a fic that will be filled with guns, death, and blood, but no swearing or anything else. What should I rate it?

Burnt Flower

Horror Mistress
SnoringFrog said:
I'm planning on having a fic that will be filled with guns, death, and blood, but no swearing or anything else. What should I rate it?

Depending of how gruesome the violence is, I'd say either PG-13 or R. All my one-shots have an R rating and there isn't a single sex scene in them.


Ski > You
My Fic has death, vulgarities, violence, blood, and modification to the human body. A little bit about slavery as well. Plus some adult humour if it occurs to me and can fit in to what I write.
What should I rate it?
(I'm saying M.)

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Just check the link I provided. It'll answer all your questions.


Well-Known Member
What should I rate?

I plan to do a fanfic with the main character referenced to beat up and hog tie a Rocket member, go out of range and yell in frustration, and a few more dangerous battles. What should I rate it, G, PG, or PG-13?
Thanks in advance,
E-124 Dragon

Burnt Flower

Horror Mistress
E-124 Dragon said:
I plan to do a fanfic with the main character referenced to beat up and hog tie a Rocket member, go out of range and yell in frustration, and a few more dangerous battles. What should I rate it, G, PG, or PG-13?
Thanks in advance,
E-124 Dragon

Sounds like a PG story to me, though make it PG-13 if you want to have more liberties.


I am working on a fic that is so far G rated, but in one scene a Trapinch starts choking on a Pokeball(Don't ask)and its trainer has to preform the Heilmich manuver.Would that make my Fic a rating besides G?If so what rating?


I do something a bit unlike any other.

I rate my fics by different ages, not the usual "PG, R, G"
Example: PG-14, PG-15, PG-16, PG-10


l"7"l<Col! said:
I am working on a fic that is so far G rated, but in one scene a Trapinch starts choking on a Pokeball(Don't ask)and its trainer has to preform the Heilmich manuver.Would that make my Fic a rating besides G?If so what rating?
Depends on how you do it. However, even if you do manage to go into huge description with it and blah blah blah, it still won't get you any higher than PG. In fact, if that's the only thing like that in the entire fic, it'll definetley stay at G.


Please can you help? In my fic, the prologue contains death, but is not deeply described. One or two more chapters contain death, again, not described in very gory detail, as I don't really want to go over PG. I don't mention blood at all. In a review, some people said that this could never be a PG, someone else said I should have descibed it more... PG or PG-13?

EDIT: In the chapters/prologue that contain death, I've put a warning before the chapter.
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