Now I know that this can't be an original topic since this is a Pokemon forum and most fans think the same (when it comes to history repeating itself). So here's my question:
Other than inheritance (like Koga's daughter, Brock's brother, and Misty), how does one become a Gym Leader? Do you just have to be a trainer with money (to buy a building)? Do you have to go through a Gym Leader test?
Now your theories can be from the manga, anime, or how you think it would truely be like in the real world. What do you think?
I personally think that a trainer must build his/her gym from the ground up in a new town. And only when the construction is done, and they've recruited Gym trainers/students, an Elite Four representative will visit your Gym to see if it passes all the tests (maybe even have an official battle) and see if it qualifies. However, if there are more than one gym in the same town, the gym leaders of all the gyms must decide amung themselves (vocally or battling) how to resolve this (like Saffron City or that town in the Anime that had the Scyther and Electabuzz gyms).
I was going to ask how do you become an Elite Four member, but it may seem obvious that you must be a great Gym Leader to reach up there (Koga). If not that, then there must be other ways to reach that point.
Other than inheritance (like Koga's daughter, Brock's brother, and Misty), how does one become a Gym Leader? Do you just have to be a trainer with money (to buy a building)? Do you have to go through a Gym Leader test?
Now your theories can be from the manga, anime, or how you think it would truely be like in the real world. What do you think?
I personally think that a trainer must build his/her gym from the ground up in a new town. And only when the construction is done, and they've recruited Gym trainers/students, an Elite Four representative will visit your Gym to see if it passes all the tests (maybe even have an official battle) and see if it qualifies. However, if there are more than one gym in the same town, the gym leaders of all the gyms must decide amung themselves (vocally or battling) how to resolve this (like Saffron City or that town in the Anime that had the Scyther and Electabuzz gyms).
I was going to ask how do you become an Elite Four member, but it may seem obvious that you must be a great Gym Leader to reach up there (Koga). If not that, then there must be other ways to reach that point.