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How do you factory reset?


Wish Maker
I wanna factory reset my Ruby (my friend just got Saphire and I wanna give him competion), so how do you? Its escaped my memory. Just so you're wondering, I want it facortoried cause I used the AR and want it as good as new (if I rested would it delete the berry glitch fix too? Is it worth the facortory if I don't want to use it in Nintendo Events?)


. . .
Go to the title screen and press 'A, B, Select and Start' at once. It should ask you if you want to reset, say yes.


Completing The Trio
^ those are the keys to hit to soft reset

to do a factory reset press and hold these keys at the title screen

up select and b


Furret rocks
I think it's holding B, Select and Up on the title screen.