Water Master
"In the episode "Come what May" May wins her first ribbon against Grace, a COTD. However, I feel like May was extremely overpowered. I don't have a problem with May winning against people who are more experienced than she is. That's to be expected in shows like this. I have a problem with the fact that there was NOTHING showing that May had reached this level as a trainer and that she suddenly gained the skilled required to do so for no reason. There was no point where May had displayed sufficient enough skill to teach those moves nor was there a point when Beautifly had shown enough training to pull off those moves without a problem. 50 episodes into AG, and the writers still have made NO solid progress on May as a Pokemon Coordinator and never actually showed her improving her skills to the point where she could accomplish feats like she did in this contest. Apparently there are some people that believe this to be the "best" contest in AG, but I just have to disagree. Not saying it was a bad battle, but the outcome didn't make sense to me. For her first ribbon, it was NOT well deserved.