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How do you get Mew?


BIG Pokemon Fan
How do you get Mew? What's the easiest way to get it? I went through Buried Relic like fourty times. Im getting ready to give up.


eevee evolution
you have to have her friend area, and the music box in your inventory. after that, its all about luck, oh! and have a friend bow with you, you dont have to but it makes it much easyer


killa trainer
heh,mew has a 0.9 chance of being recriuted but with a friend bow its 10.9% chance only with music box from floors 36-98 good luck kid

also mew is a it,not a her.mew's friend area is-final island for 8,500 poke

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Tails the Bouyzel
You forgot Level additions!
I am also trying to recruit Mew at the moment and I haven't even seen Mew once
during my two trips in the dungeon.


Well-Known Member
Wow, people are so immature...

I have gone throught the dungeon, with no sighting.
What is the find rate for Mew on all the floors? Lower than Feebas? (Not restrictment, I already know my chances if I ever meet her.)

happy taco

I own your mommy!
Now Just be +90 whith friend bow is the most resonable way.

Though luck is all that counts in this.

34.9 percent is nothing to laugh at :p

frontier champion

Well-Known Member
I encountered Mew but didn't recruit him have a Friend Bow and the Music Box. A pokemon from LV.70-100 should be fine..
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Conspiracy Theorist
I encountered Mew but didn't recruit him have a Friend Bow and the Music Box. A pokemon from LV.70-100 should be fine..

Its impossible to recruite Mew without a music box.

NEVER use it though. Just keep it with you.

Some smart forum members spared me the trouble of almost repelling Mew away from me.

Remember, you can find Mew in a monster house as well.


World domination!
I got mew on floor 98 by sheer dumb luck because at the point i didn't know he was there and he joined immidiatly.


Well-Known Member
To befriend Mew, it's recommended to be level 90 with a Friend Bow.
And you're required to have the Final Island friend area.


Well-Known Member
Its impossible to recruite Mew without a music box.

NEVER use it though. Just keep it with you.

Some smart forum members spared me the trouble of almost repelling Mew away from me.

Remember, you can find Mew in a monster house as well.

When I recruited Mew, Mew was in a monster house on the 48th floor and if you do recruit Mew you automatically leave the dungeon. Also, I was level 96.


Well-Known Member
Just to make sure no one is confused, it is just LUCK that Mew will even appear, but the Freind Bow increaces the chances of her joinning your team, not finding her in the first place.


Obsessive Beader/Mod

Seriously, don't know any more ways to say it. It gives me a LOT more to clean up than just the one original spam post, now I have to delete every other post that's off topic.

Carry on. ;_;

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
you make guys make TRJessie579 cry :eek: you should never make a mod cry, they have banning powers :eek:

crying mod=you piss of, you get banned

XD, anyways you need a friend bow, and with the code generator you can easily get one :)