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How do you get missingno?

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Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Use random AR/GS codes.

I'd highly reccommend you don't do it.


um, and stuff
How do you get Missigno?
Oh just by over abusing your cartridge or a really, really random glitch

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
its just the games way of showing a screwed up pokemon.

dont bother.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
There is no way to get Missingno in these games like you did in the original Red and Blue; you have to cheat to see it.

And since we can't discuss cheating devices here...

-Answered, closed

EDIT: Okay, I'm just realizing that not only have you already asked this question in the Missingno sticky, but you've ALSO made a thread in GPD AND had it answered. Do not make this thread again.
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