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how do you get rid of pokerus?!

Cecil Lockheart

The Heavenly Trainer
that's strange well it should wear off but the PKRS is a good thing anyways eventually it will wear off if the pkm is in your party


Darkness trainer
i want it to wear off like at least in three days, i've got it today and i don't want it cuz it gets annoying :(

Cecil Lockheart

The Heavenly Trainer
well then you either don't use that pkm or you wait those 3 days sorry no other option

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
pokerus owns! Spread it to as many pokemon as possible before it disappears!


Well-Known Member
YOU WANT IT OT GO AWAY!!! pokerus is one of the most wanted things there is in the pokemon world. it can make your pokemon super powerful (or do nothing at all) you want pokerus beleive me. in wifi trading pokerus can get you some good pokemon.


Contest Agent
I just got pokerus this weekend from an Arcanine recieved from a trade at the GTS and its infected 70 of my Pokemon and I left all but 2 in the PC so I can spread it if the need arises.


Well-Known Member
I know it must sound really annoying to have a load of people shouting at you to keep it but they are right. Its not cheating, just extreme luck, kinda like getting a shiny.

However, if you don't want it, wait a few days and it should wear off. I really think you should make the most of it though.
pokerus is awesome.

;136;anybody that thinks that pokerus is anoying seriously needs to check their logic! it increases exp for crying out loud!;136;

Cecil Lockheart

The Heavenly Trainer
yeah that's the only way i rasied my pkm to super legendary stats with the PKRS and Macho brace they are the best team


Darkness trainer
why is everyone so mean cuz i thought pokerus was a bad thing... :(,

anyways, if anyone wants my pokerus pokemon, i will gladly trade some ;)

but i will only trade for: legendaries(not event ones), ditto, munchlax, gachomp, hippowdon, alakazam and aipom.
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Cecil Lockheart

The Heavenly Trainer
on the contrary the PKRS is the best thing you can get in your life is as rare as a shiny pkm


The Last BabyPuncher
I love pkrs I spread it to all my pokemon that I am EV training, I just started my Gengar and his Special atta ck is already 130 at lvl 30 next is speed :D love my macho brace too.


The Last BabyPuncher
I love pkrs I spread it to all my pokemon that I am EV training, I just started my Gengar and his Special atta ck is already 130 at lvl 30 next is speed :D love my macho brace too.


Back here. >.<
I think it's not cheating, it's not annoying..


Pokemon Master
why is everyone so mean cuz i thought pokerus was a bad thing
Here's the deal. Pokerus increases EVs for all pokemon that have it. After a while of unuse, the PKRS symbol will disappear and a small smiling face will appear near your pokemon's image. This means that it is not contagious anymore, but your pokemon still has the effects.
Like others have said, Pokerus is not a cheat. You just have to have pretty good luck to obtain it.
Hopefully that clears everything up:)