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How do you make videos?


I want to make a video to put on youtube, but I dont know what program to use...
so can anyone please help me?


New Member
I allso want to make videos. I have a Windows movie maker but
when i use it my computer shuts down and I think that it is a demo version (I am not shure). But I wood like to try a new program.


Windows Movie comes with Media Player IIRC, so it shouldn't be a demo.

Well, you make movies with a camera, but you can edit them with lots of different programs. I'm not too familiar on everyone just yet but Windows Movie Maker is easy to play around with, so that should get you a good start if you're just looking to do some small editing.


New Member
Thanks. I kow that you can make movies with a camera.
I know that Windows movie maker is the best start but my computer won't download a nother one.


Ah, it comes with Windows ME, thank you for clarifying that.

My only guess as to your problem would be that your computer isn't good enough to support WMW, which isn't too likely as the minimum requirements for WMW aren't that high (unless my very limite knowledge of computer hardware is messing with me again)


Well-Known Member
Ah, it comes with Windows ME, thank you for clarifying that.

My only guess as to your problem would be that your computer isn't good enough to support WMW, which isn't too likely as the minimum requirements for WMW aren't that high (unless my very limite knowledge of computer hardware is messing with me again)

It sure crashed a lot on my old computer:

AMD Duron 1.4 GHZ (it was 1 GHZ for sure...can't quite remember rest)
256 MB RAM
9200 ATI Radeon (with Omega drivers)

It runs just fine on my new computer, no crashes:

AMD Sempron 2.8 GHZ
1 Gig RAM
9200 ATI Radeon (w/Omega drivers)

Probably a memory issue (used to crash it when working on a larger file). So if the op only has 256 MB, might not work so smooth for he/she :(