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How do you put pics in sig???


Well-Known Member
I'm new but i can't figure out how to put pic in sig cus i click add pic, but it says
type URl code but i dunno wat dat is can i have help pls.

I'm just a helpless newbie!!!


Well-Known Member
thats what the FAQ is for... but anyway, first you need to upload the pic to imageshack or photobucket or some place of that description. Then copy the first line underneath it and paste it into your reply. It should already have the IMG tags on it (with photobucket at least) if the image is really big then you'll want to copy the third line which is an url to the image. All of this is speaking from photobucket which is my chosen image upload site. Check the FAQ if you need further help.


Well-Known Member
nope you just need an account (tis free) just google imageshack, photobucket or *******. Hopefully the rest can be explained on the site or in the FAQ.