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How do you trade from trozei to mystery dungeon?

king of blue

That's me!
How do you trade from pokemon trozei to mystery dungeon? please repley!

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
you go to unknown dungon on MD and espeonage in trozie then close the 2 DS's and wait 5-10 seconds

king of blue

That's me!
How do you get unknown dungeun?

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
it's at the bottom of the list on the main menu


Now you can trade from trozei to mystery dungeon? They don't tell me anything anymore!

king of blue

That's me!
Yes, a BANNANA? That just seems silly.

DS lite man

Well-Known Member
no you can get stones and onece I got a joy seed


Don't make fun of TeH BaNaNa~! It fills your belly! Like an Apple!
Rofl. But seriously, it does fill your belly like an apple and it's rare