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How do you...


Well-Known Member
fix up your boxes in bills pc??
i want opinions on how to do mine.
i wanted to go with the traditional "type" boxes.

but i got bored of that...


Well-Known Member
I put all the pokemon in National Dex order. It is very easy to find a pokemomn you want especially if you have over 300 pokemon. I used to put them in type order but where do you put a lanturn, water ot electric, houndoom etc.


Well-Known Member
yeah, thatx a great idea.
i had that, but got too lazy to figure out there numbers,

any other methods?


Well-Known Member
yeah, thatx a great idea.
i had that, but got too lazy to figure out there numbers,

any other methods?

You don't have to use the pokedex for it, just look at their stats and you can see the pokedex # in the top left corner of the screen. I was lazy too, it took me like a week to finish it.


Well-Known Member
okay. ill do that or either the
dex catagory places (urban, cave, forest, etc.)

most likely national.
i only have kanto/johto pokemon.


Active Member
I put mine in level order (lower lvls in earlier boxes)

easy to find pokemon need to train/evolve

gets annoying when you train something because you have to find out where it's meant to go


Well-Known Member
i thought it would be easier to figure out how to do this online...

i have tried that one too.


Well-Known Member
I put them in Pokedex order cause i'm a nerd hehe. I tried putting them in Type but it didnt work. To many water and normal pokemon

Jay Fredo

Thunder Trainer
in my sapphire, i arrange them in egg groups. in my fire red, i arranged them into types and a pokemon with two types like steelix i put in the steel box because that's it's first type ie: Steel/Ground. also lv 50 pokemon and above are stored at the bottom of the box.
At first they're all in random spots, but then I change the box to sort out pokemon I've completed EV training for


Who can say?
I used to put pokemon into habitat boxes, depending on the wallpaper.

However, once I could trade between FR/LG and R/S it got to the point where there were too many pokemon for some boxes (e.g. Forest) so I stopped doing that.

I now just tend to let the boxes fill up in the order I catch them.
If Im working on filling the dex I might order them Numerically with gaps for the pokemon I'm missing. The final box has special pokemon. Such as shines, team pokemon or special traded pokemon.

In my old FireRed I had a near complete pokedex. (one of every pokemon inc. each evolutionary stage) I ordered them in my own 'new' dex order. Similar to how G/S's new dex mode worked but for all 3 gens.


Veteran smartass
i dont have more than a half box filled on the games....just a spheal+tropius in the party (all hms)...then in box1 theres a slugma for breeding,all the ev trained lvl100 for BF...ibut i have 383 pokes on 1.mem.card on pokemon box in nationaldex order...and 23boxes full on the 2.mem.card for pokemon box
there are all the crappy pokes like the ~600ralts etc...when all 25 boxes are full i just erase pokemon box from the mem.card =)

I used to put them in type order but where do you put a lanturn, water ot electric, houndoom (dark) etc.

or just look at their type............lol
dewgong: water/ice--->goes to water box lol
walrein: ice/water--->goes to ice box


Well-Known Member
i just keep the pokemon i use most/special ones in box 13 + 14 and rest i throw into 1-12, and when i need one, i just look for it -> max 2 min to find it .. works fine for me


Two types: Good pokemon and Crap pokemon. It's easier to find them that way.


Knight of Oblivion
i just put mine in the first box when i start out

after the Elite 4 i start hunting down Pokemon to complete the National Dex and PUT them in National Dex order

when i do the later i separate them according to their regions (i.e. 1-151=Kanto, 152-251=Johto, 252-386=Hoenn, ect.) but i only put their Final Evos in the Boxes, as well as Babies


I love garlic. :P
I just thinked about:
"Where could they live, in real live..??"
Then i named all my boxes, after landskabes... And sea etc. ...
Ohh, and also a Champ box...


Well-Known Member
I put my Pokémon by level.