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How do you...

How do you arrange your boxes?

  • By Level

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • By Name

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • By Type

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 47.9%

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I'm not quite sure... I have box for Spindas, shinies, lv.100s, eggs'n'babies, then I have a box called "2Btraded", and "ConWins" (Contest Winners) and other boxes include misc. Pokémon.

My LG has a funny set of boxes. There's box for lv.100s and shinies, of course, then there's a special box called "Rares", I keep Mewtwos, legendary birds&dogs and the two rare Unown there. I have dedicated one box to Tyrogues and other for Trainer Tower team.


Well-Known Member
My ordening is different for each game.
For my old Blue, it was just chaos, no order.
For my Silver, I put them in alphabetical order and I also had one box for my good pokemon.
For my Ruby, I ordered them by type and I also have one box for eggs.
For my old FireRed file, I ordered them by dex locations.
For my new FireRed file, I order them by level.
For my Colloseum, I order them by "Shadow", "Normal" and "Strong".
I use my Emerald for the Battle Frontier only, so I have "Other", "Shiny", "Legendary", "Good", "EV", "Frontier", "Larvitar", "Beldum" and "Skarmory".

In Emerald I put my level 50+ in "Good", the pokemon who I'm EV training in "EV" and the pokemon who are EV trained in "Frontier". I put all the Skarmory, Beldum and Larvitar I bred for the best nature and stats in their corrosponding boxes.

All my other games are restarted regularry and don't have an order.

Ps. Don't say breeding for good stats and natures is bad, they are just pieces of data and because of that breeding, I got a shiny Beldum.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey

Box 1: frequent battle frontier & utility pokemon such as 5 linoones above level 90, shiny magby, certain HM slaves & false swipers, etc...
Box 2-4: reserved for hatching pokemon which get moved to pokemon box
Box 5: lottery pokemon from reset games
Box 6-11: lottery pokemon, pokemon for trading purposes and future usage.
Box 12: breeding pokemon and dittos best for their natures
Box 13: Level 50 pokemon
Box 14: Level 100 pokemon including groudon, kyogre, rayquaza & mewtwo.


Eszett's got it down.. fill 'em as they come, same thing i do.


Well-Known Member
I just realized that I didn't say how I arrange my boxes. I arrange mine by type on Pokemon Box and I just kind of let them go where they go in the GBA games, Colo and XD

Last edited:


I arrange my boxes by Pokemon classification. (E.g. Ubers, Battle Frontier Team, etc.)


Well-Known Member
The way I organize my boxes is...weird

Boxes 1-6 are just of any pokémon I've caught or traded in that I haven't bred/trained. Then the other stuff I for some reason put at the end, probably for quick access from box 1. Anyway, box 14 is my "utilities" carrying HM slaves, level 100 Linoone (pickup), compoundeyes Yanma with thief and a camerupt w pokerus. Box 13 is my "Ditto box" which holds 16 or 17 dittos, each with a different nature (for breeding purposes). Box 11 is my level 100 box, with box 12 ready to be another one when 11 is full, which it will be pretty darn soon. Box 10 I intend to have for level 100's that are only for double battles, so I don't mix them up with my single battlers. Box 9 contains pokémon with different ID numbers. Since all pokémon I raise are bred, and since I get rid of the parents afterword (so they're not taking up space), all pokémon minus some legendaries will have my ID number. Here is where I store a pokémon if its the last of that ID number so I don't lose it. This is all for the lottery. I also did all the ingame trades and just stuffed the resulting pokémon in here. Finally, box 8 contains random eggs I didn't end up needing to hatch because I got what I was looking for before all of the eggs in the set hatched. I usually keep them and offer them for trade. I only keep eggs of valuable pokémon here for that reason. Box 7 is currently empty, and should I ever find a purpose for it, I'll use it.



No Flying box because there are no pure flying types.


In Pokemon Box, I sort them by dex number. I have one of every Pokemon, so I have a little Pokedex going there. Beyond that, I don't have any method of organization whatsoever. Whoot.

On Emerald, it's anything that I want, no particular order in mind. In FireRed, I organize them by type. In Sapphire, also by type.


Better then you
I have mine set up like this

stage 1
stage 2
stage 3
no evolve
the rest are blank


Ditto Breeder ._.;
i organize by numerical order. With the last box i put in all the unowns. That leaves me... uhh... *calculates* 6 empty squares for any extra pokemon i might have. Oh, and of course my party. So i can have 12 extra pokemon n.n; Thank god i have so many other games to keep pokemon in *spinda'n'oddish cough*.

Heh. In emerald i have like 5 boxes of oddish. They're staying there until i can get them to sapphire and ship all my items out so i can reset it. ._.; *needs torchic*


DaIntreguingBakedPotato said:
Heh. In emerald i have like 5 boxes of oddish. They're staying there until i can get them to sapphire and ship all my items out so i can reset it. ._.; *needs torchic*
*laughs hysterically* That's exactly what i do with my game, too. except for the oddish part.


DaIntreguingBakedPotato said:
i organize by numerical order. With the last box i put in all the unowns. That leaves me... uhh... *calculates* 6 empty squares for any extra pokemon i might have. Oh, and of course my party. So i can have 12 extra pokemon n.n; Thank god i have so many other games to keep pokemon in *spinda'n'oddish cough*.

Heh. In emerald i have like 5 boxes of oddish. They're staying there until i can get them to sapphire and ship all my items out so i can reset it. ._.; *needs torchic*
You need Pokemon Box really, really bad.
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