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How do you...

How do you arrange your boxes?

  • By Level

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • By Name

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • By Type

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 23 47.9%

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onix lord

Well-Known Member
In my Ruby file I arranged them by number in the pokedex. In Emerald I keep them in order that I caught them, but I have another box (I think its 20, or the last box) where I put all my level 50's for easy access.


Well-Known Member
I have just finished arranging them in Pokedex Mode.
I have Every Pokemon Except for Celebi,Mew,Lugia and Deoxys so i have 4 gaps in my Boxes
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